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He was passed out cold on the floor and looked terrible. I scooped him up in my arms and held him close. I wanted to run but I knew I might hurt him if I did and walked to the infirmary and set him down on a bed in a private room in the back furthest from the hustle and bustle of my workplace. I took his temperature and found that it was really low. I monitored his heart rate and it was as if he'd gone into a coma. His breaths were shaky and fast but were steadying and strengthening. I didn't want to feed him ambrosia yet because I wasn't completely sure of his condition. I decided to stay overnight at the infirmary. His temperature and breathing were back to normal but he still hadn't woken up. I stayed at his bedside and was constantly holding his hand. I refused to take any other patients and somedays I even neglected to eat. I stayed by him as the days turned into weeks. I monitored his vitals and made sure he was properly fed. Some of my siblings would offer to help but I would stubbornly turn them down. I was an absolute mess. My tan complexion had turned to a sickly pale and I started to look like Nico had before I put him on a special diet (meaning that he had to eat everything I put on his tray excepting the plate and utensils). One of my siblings was so persistent that I eat that she brought me food every day and if I didn't start eating within thirty minutes she would force feed it to me. My voice had become so rough between not using it much and the sob sessions I frequently had. The sibling who force fed me would stop by every day and attempt to converse with me.

"What do you want Autumn?"
"You to calm down go outside and stop worrying about him. He is going to be fine."
"I'm sorry Autumn I just really care about him."
"I know"
"I wish I could make magic happen and wake him up" My voice started to crack as I started breaking down into tears
"I know" She gently responded and gave me a hug. "You need to be strong. I'm sure that if Nico were awake he would tell you that you need to stop worrying about him and start taking care of yourself." I pulled away from her and sunk back into the chair that I had been living in for the past two weeks.
"I just can't loose someone else" I whispered as Autumn slipped out of the room.

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