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Getting knocked out sucks. Getting knocked out twice is worse. I feel like someone told an elephant to sit on my brain. If someone did tell an elephant to sit on my brain they should reward the elephant for doing such a good job. Maybe some peanuts if elephants actually like those.

I heard someone cry out in pain. I snapped my head in the direction of the noise and noticed Cynthia and Nico engaged in a full on battle. Each of them had one knife and were slashing at the other. Nico had several cut on his arms and face and his orange t-shirt had become stained with crimson. I noticed that Cynthia was worse for wear than Nico though. She multitudes of cuts on her arms and face with a deep scar on her collarbone that had to hurt.

Nico dodged a couple of Cynthia's strikes but another caught on his jaw and he let out a noise of frustration. He stepped back and Cynthia advanced on him. His eyes glinted with trickery and he unleashed a hurricane of slashes. She got several more large cuts on her arms. She growled with pain as she got forced backwards. She stopped and dipped downward then lunged out to the right effectively avoiding getting pressed against a wall. She slashed his shoulder making him scream in agony.

I then realized that the only reason she was doing so well is because of my healing energy. I closed my eyes and focused on taking away the energy that was healing her arm. I soaked it back into me and felt a little bit more awake than before.

Cynthia yelped with pain in her voice and collapsed, closing her eyes. Nico must have presumed that she had fainted because he knelt next to her and placed his knife directly on her neck. He didn't notice that her breathing hadn't slowed nor had she fainted like a normal person would faint. She had dropped to the ground so that it wouldn't hurt her that much. Her knee had hit the ground first and she had fallen more slowly than a person under the unresisted force of gravity would. She broke her own fall she was most certainly awake.

I yelled at Nico to stop what he was doing and to get away as quickly as possible. He whipped his head towards me with a look of confusion on his face. Cynthia took advantage of his distraction and rose her knife, sinking it into his back. He fell to the ground, his face contorted with pain and surprise. I screamed and she laughed. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to Nico's side. I grabbed his small shoulders and pulled him against me. I felt something moving against my chest. He was talking. I held him at arms length and he smiled at me sadly. I kissed his forehead and listened intently as he talked to me in mere whisper. "Will?"
"Yes Nico?"
"I love you"
"I love you too Nico" I whispered back and a lonely tear traveled down my face. It paved the way for a water fall to come. He raised a hand to my cheek and used a finger to wipe it away. He smiled at me again and lifted his hand waving it at me as if saying goodbye one last time. His hand went limp and fell to his side.

My shoulders shook with sobs as he stared into the sky with a smile on his face. I closed his eye lids and kissed his forehead leaving it wet from the salty tears falling out of my eyes. I heard laughing and noticed Cynthia having a giggle fit in the sand a couple of feet away. I pulled the knife out of Nico's back and stared at it.

It was a little ironic. The traitor stabs someone in the back. I let out a half laugh half sob and heard nothing except for the rustle of leaves. Cynthia was sitting on the ground with her eyes wide. She was frozen with fear. I gently set Nico down and stood. Cynthia sprung to her feet, her muscles were tense.

I looked at the ruby red stains on her shirt knowing that it was a mix of her own and the person lying dead in the sand. She was waiting for me to move so that she could elude me. Her back was against the wall and I advanced on her with the blood soaked knife heavy in my hand. I pushed her head against the wall and watched as she spit out blood after sinking to the ground. She tried to crawl away so I kicked her back into the wall. I scowled at her and brought the knife down to where she was. The knife hovered above her throat and I moved to kill but she began humming.

The tune was sweet yet sad and a sob escaped my lips. Her humming turned into to singing. I had never heard anything so beautiful and sorrowful in my entire life. I fell to my knees and placed my head in my hands. Tears were pouring out. All of the tears that I had held back in my entire life were being freed and they took me over. Cynthia rose to her feet still singing and slowly walked away into the woods.

As soon as I could no longer hear the incapacitating melody, the sobs diminished. I fell backwards in the sand. A weight felt like it had been lifted off of my chest and I realized that all of the times I tried to fake happiness, I wasn't only trying to assure others or be strong, I was destroying myself. I thought I was getting rid of the pain and anger but really I was just pushing it into me.

I took deep, shuddering breathes and remembered that the only person that I loved was lying in the sand dead. I didn't cry because all of my tears had been drained out. I simply sat there feeling empty and hollow inside. This is how I had felt after losing my sister and my mother. I wasn't completely truthful with Nico. I had lost my sister to a car accident mere moments after losing my mother to disease. Ironic isn't it? My mother died of something my father could control. Something that was in his domain.

I had no purpose anymore. There was no reason to continue fighting. I couldn't save Nico. I couldn't heal the dead. The only people I truly cared about were gone from my life. There was no point in carrying on. There was nothing I could do except give up.

I looked at my deceased beloved and I managed to crawl over to him and collapsed next to him. I buried my head in my arms and I shook uncontrollably. There is nothing in the world that I wouldn't give to have him back. I would gladly give an arm, a leg, my life. I tilted my head back and let out a tortured and ragged cry. I poured all of my emotions into that wail. All of my hate for Cynthia. All of my despair for Nico and my family. All of my confusion, agony, pain, resentment, and misery. I collapsed into the sand feeling so drained that I could hardly open an eye to see the miracle that was taking place.

Golden light was surrounding Nico's corpse. It danced around his dead body and started moving faster, lifting him from the ground. It brought him three feet into the air and then started to flow into his mouth. With the energy flying into him other energy trickled out. It was a deep black. It circled me yet I didn't absorb it. It disappeared into the ground next to my head. I watched as both gold and black stopped coming from their sources and as soon as the last drop of gold sank into Nico's mouth, he was lowered back to the ground.

He sat up coughing. He looked around and when his eyes landed on me, his jaw went slack and he started sputtering words that I couldn't comprehend. The only words that I understood were the last three words he had spoken before he had died. I managed to whisper them back and smile at him before the world turned dark.

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