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I am such a TROLL! You guys will hate me for this one. By the way, this deals with a very sensitive subject. You may, at any time, stop reading and skip it. And here's my warning that many a fangirl/fanboy will need a tissue box or two. Read more at the end for consolation about what just happened.

I woke up feeling the sunshine on my face. Nico was asleep next to me. Sadly he was in a different bed. I frowned and remembered yesterday's events. I needed to talk to him. Maybe I could wear him down a bit and get him used to me again. I limped to his bed and sat on the edge. I knew that he wouldn't wake up for at least another two hours. I stroked his hair and kissed his nose. He turned a little and mumbled something about kittens. I smiled and then frowned again. Even if I did get him to trust me again, who's to say that he would want to date me again? And if he does want to go out, it will never be exactly like the old Nico. It would be like he broke up with me before I was ready to let go and now I'm trying to date someone similar to get over him. I hobbled back to my own bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. Then I got up and walked to the bathroom. I'd never done this before nor had reason to so, I was a little unfamiliar with it. I then flashed back to when I had found Nico doing it.

It was before we were dating. He had been taking an awfully long time in the bathroom so I knocked. I had gotten no response so I had pushed open the door to find him lying there, wrists as bloody as the blade on the floor. He had used a kitchen knife. A freaking kitchen knife. His eyes were fluttering open and shut like he was fighting to stay awake. I had immediately gone into medical mode. I remembered rummaging through all the drawers and finally finding unused wash cloths. I soaked them in cold water and wiped away the blood the best I could, I had found a mini first aid kit and retrieved the disinfectant to clean his cuts. I had used the gauze and tightly wrapped each wrist to help stem the blood flow. I scooped him up in my arms and rushed to the infirmary. Halfway there, fear onset and I had actually processed the cause of his injuries. This had just made me run harder so that I could knock some sense into him once he had recovered.

He had sat up in the bed and looked around sleepily. I had grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. "No sharp objects for the next two months!"
"Why would you do that? Why the Hades would you do that? You have a good life. You have friends or at least people who want to be your friend. Wake up and actually think before you try to off your self." Then I had started to get tears in my eyes. He had just sat there, completely bewildered.

I smiled a little as I remembered how I had taken all of the knifes and locked them in a box. Then I baby proofed everything. I had put padding on all the sharp corners and even put protective cases on all of the swords. Needless to say I ticked off a lot of people but I kept my word and he had never done it since.

I came back to reality. I closed the door to the bathroom and turned the lock. I was becoming worried that I wouldn't be able to find a blade. I didn't find anything in the cabinets or drawers and I also knew that they kept all the scalpels and surgical tools locked away in the cabinets. I frowned. Then my sights turned to the bathtub. I had forgotten to check there. Sure enough, sitting on a shower rack, there was a razor. I disassembled it and looked at the blades curiously. I was a newbie but it couldn't be that hard.

Taking the blade in my right hand, I pressed the sharp tip to my wrist. I applied more pressure until it broke skin. I didn't even make a noise. Anything was better than having Nico right there yet not being able to love him openly. I dragged it horizontally across my wrist and watched as a drop of blood welled up and splattered on the cold tile floor. I slumped against the wall and laughed cruelly. It was just like a tear except this tear held all of me. To many tears of red and I was gone.

I cut several more slits. I got tired of waiting so I put a little nick in my neck as well. I suddenly felt really lightheaded. My vision blurred and everything started sounding so distant compared to the pounding in my head. I smiled blissfully. I was going to die.

More On sensitive subject: I do know that suicide and cutting is a very sensitive topic for lots of people. If you are thinking about suicide and cutting or are currently doing it, I beg you to rethink your choice. Despite the fact that I am a troll, I actually care for the well being of my readers. (Plus if you were dead, I would lose votes. Sorry for the cruelish humor I'm just trying to diffuse possible tension.) If you are feeling sad and depressed because of my story, well, like suicidal thoughts depressed, then tell me and I will message you a rewrite of this chapter where good things happen instead of bad.
Consolation for crying fangirls/fanboys: there there there. *hugs and rubs back* I swear on the River Styx that you will cry harder in the next chapter. *stares at fangirls/fanboys that are crying even harder* Oops. I swear I'll make it up to you. *dangles some pieces of paper in front of your face like it a treat* I have those ten chapters of fluff coming soon! For the fangirls/fanboys who are still crying; if you want a good things instead of bad chapter just message me and I'll give it to you. Thanks so much you guys for the 13.2K FRICKITY VEIWS AND THE 954 FRAKEN VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Different as Night and Dayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें