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Sadly, I spare Nico's life because you guys asked me to update. Okay. I see now. I have it bad. The Uncle Rick syndrome must have been trapped inside of me for too long, festering and concocting an evil plan to make people feel dead inside. You guys think you have it bad? I cry too! And I have to proofread it! Imagine reading it over and over again each time the story become more sad and dramatic. But for some reason I can't stop it. I enjoy making people cry. I think I get it from my dad. He laughs at crying babies. I am not even joking. He's that bad. So enough with my rant about the Uncle Rick syndrome and my odd family. Onward! Keep the tissues nearby though because we're going on another feels trip! It's a short one but boy is it emotional!Hopefully this one will have you blubbering for a new reason. Gods. I'm bad.

I stretched for the glass with tears in my eyes. I strained to be with Nico and tell him that I was okay, that he was going to be okay. I was on my knees and reaching out to break through the barrier preventing me from letting him know that I was here. I screamed and finally collapsed, hitting the floor and curling up into a heaving mess. I was clutching and clawing at my heart to stop the aching. The only way that I would know bliss, was to leave this torturous world. A yelp of pain and protest escaped my mouth as someone from behind me kicked my back and pulled up my head by my hair. I was forced to watch through the window as a blood curdling scream came out of his mouth. I was crying so much that I couldn't see anything anyways. I joined in with the screaming almost matching the loudness. I shouted at my captor in between sobs. "Stop it! Please! do anything you want to me! Just leave him alone! Let him go! Please!" I received a harsh cackle in response. "Oh silly Will, I already am doing what I want to you!" Cynthia pinched the back of my neck and I felt the warm blood trickle down my back but the scar healed mere seconds after she had made it. My powers were keeping me alive against my will (Ha ha! Against Will's will. Sorry trying to be cheery to distract you from the fact that Nico is being tortured and Will is in captivity being forced to watch as his only love is ripped to shreds. You may continue and leave my cruelty). Wait. My powers. I concentrated on Nico and focused all of my energy towards healing him. I knew that when you heal someone and take away the pain, that this pain had to go somewhere. You can push it off onto someone else, for example, your enemy. Doing this takes extra energy but if you can't do this, you can put the pain into yourself. I had no energy to spare because his wounds were extensive. I might not have been able to completely heal him but I could speed up the process and take away a little of his hurt. I slumped back against the wall that I was chained to and watched through bleary eyes as golden tentacles came out of my hands and slowly moved to the door. The only people who can see this energy are the ones who are sending or receiving it so I wouldn't have to worry about Cynthia. The liquid-like arms pushed through the glass just after Nico's eyes closed and I wailed in fear for his life. He could have been dead for all I knew. My sobs started afresh and shook my body. I can't take any pain from a dead body so if I felt anything or saw any of his black essence reaching back out to me, he was alive. If none of the amazingly dark magic flowed out of him and I felt nothing, he was dead. I prayed to every single one of the gods I could think of. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the wall, silent tears falling in an endless flow.

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