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Sorry for not updating sooner! My great grandmother is dying, my dad's cousin had a heart attack and I've been weighed down with worrying about keeping my grades up with very little sleep. So very fun week for me! I will (PUN) try to update more often and treat you guys to an extra long chapter! Here we gooooo! (Off to Neverland of course)

Nico was just lying on the bed staring into space and being boring. I snapped him out of his trance and he just sort of frowned at me. What was he thinking? Then he left the room for no reason at all! I found him later that day at the training arena but he shunned me and acted like I didn't exist. My smallish Nico child was acting all depressed again. He refused to eat dinner and barely talked to me for the rest of the day. I want the nice, albeit a little snippy, and adorable Nico. Not mopey, grumpy, quiet, depressed, unresponsive, and sad Nico. He slept in the water bed and I felt a little disappointed. I told myself that he was just doing this because he was in a grumpy mood and didn't want to decapitate me. I didn't believe my lies.

Sometime during the night he crawled into the bed I was in. He said something about nightmares but I was honestly too tired to pay attention. I wrapped my arm around him and he snuggled into my chest. He was so extremely cold that I was tempted to see if he accidentally froze the water bed. I kept him in my arms the whole night. I got up with the sun and noticed that Nico was shaking. I pulled him even closer but the quaking continued though somewhat diminished. I rubbed his back gently in little circles and he mumbled something into my chest.

He was crying. I shook him awake and he full on burst into tears. I wondered what he had been dreaming about that was that awful. Maybe it was his experience in Tartarus. It might have been about his sister Bianca. I helped him to sit up and he dried his tears.
When he looked at me there was pure mortification written all over his face. I attempted a reassuring smile and he just looked away with a flaming face in return. I felt my smile melt away and get replaced by a concerned frown. "What is it Nico?"
"Then why are you crying?"
"My nightmare turned into more of a nightmonster"
"Tell me"
"Why not?"
"Because you'll hate me even more"
"Nico, I never hated you"
"But you will"
"Yes, I Will. You Nico." he let out a strangled chuckle and cut himself off. "But seriously. I promise on the grave if my pet chameleon that I will never ever hate you." I really wanted to add 'I love you' to the end but he would freak and accidentally shadow travel us to China. He just looked away and moved to hop off of the bed but I grabbed his hand. "Nico. Please don't push me away." He just stared at me and tried to peel my hand off of his wrist. I completely let go of him and all hope that he would stay.

The I closed my eyes and let my body go limp. All of the sudden I was attacked and soon his lips were on my own. It's as if he were conveying all of his emotions then and there in that kiss. His anger, his sadness, his joy. All of his feelings melted into me and I accepted them with open arms. He abruptly pulled away and I whimpered like a kicked dog. He stared at me with wide open eyes for a moment as if just now realizing what he had done and shot out of the room faster than Mrs. O'Leary chasing her favorite chew toy. And trust me. That's fast.

I didn't really know what to do. Should I have followed him? But he probably wants some time alone. But what if he needed comforting? If I wasn't there, I don't know who he'd go to other than Hazel who's in California. What do I do? If I attempt to approach him and he's not in the best of moods, I could end up as a head. Just a head. But if I didn't approach him and he needs me then what kind of person did that make me? While I was having this internal debate, someone walked into the room. I couldn't see who it was but pretty soon I felt this hard clunk on my head like someone smacked me with a javelin. I passed out cold.

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