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As Will left I stood up stretching. I tugged my shirt down as it had risen from my stretch. I plopped back down on the bed smiling to myself. I started humming and before I knew it I was singing softly. I was singing "You Are My Sunshine" I had gotten to the last verse and someone swung open the door and spouted the last few words of the song with the musical talent of nails on a chalkboard. I jumped up covering my ears and walked towards the person who had burst out in song. It was Will. Luckily he had stopped singing and I let my hands drop to my sides. Clearly his only talent was medical and he hadn't inherited the musical part of his dad's talents.

"What are you doing back so early? You literally just left like two minutes ago!"
"She asked why I was late."
"What'd you tell her?"
"The truth. She is one of my closest friends after all"
"What'd she say?"
"That my love life was more important than what she had wanted to talk about."

He sighed and flopped down on the bed with his arms and legs spread out. I, seeing that he was leaving himself very vulnerable, and I concocted a plan. I acted like I was walking to a different bed and then quickly turned around, ran, and jumped onto his stomach. He crumpled around me and folded so that I was stuck and couldn't get out. I tried to escape but he had latched on and I don't think that he was planning to let go. I went limp and he wasn't prepared for that so I was able to slide out of his grasp. He caught my hand though and pulled me down to sit next to him. He set his head on top of mine and sighed. I snuggled up to his shoulder and before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep. My dream was very strange. I saw Rachel and heard her uttering some prophecy then I saw Will standing over me with tears in his eyes and I woke up to a bright flash. I sat up immediately hitting my head on Will's and as we both rubbed our noggins I looked around the room. Percy was standing next to Jason who was holding a camera in one hand and trying to calm down Percy who was squealing like a little girl. I stood up ready to unleash the power of Hades on the two dolts but something stopped me. Literally Will's arm pulled me back to sit on the bed.

"Don't try it Sunshine"
"Butts are for sitting on"
"That is no legitimate reason to use your powers and then you will drain yourself trying to kill these two bozos. Then we would have two very angry major gods and a very tired demigod on our hands. Do we want that?"
"Let me answer that for you. No."

Percy burst out laughing and let go of the button on a recorder. I lunged off of the bed tackling Percy and bringing him to the ground. He laughter stopped very quickly because he simply was unable to utter a noise. I pressed the flat of my blade into his neck and asked Percy if he had learned his lesson. He nodded solemnly and I got up and offered him a hand up. He took it cautiously and dashed out the door yelling "I WAS DOING CROSSIES" and I was tempted to run after him when I remembered about Jason. I turned to face him and it took him a total of two seconds to bolt.

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