☓☓ chapter seventeen ☓☓

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[Picture of a quote I found on Google at the side. *I do not own the picture*]

☓☓ chapter seventeen ☓☓

Awkward doesn't even begin to describe the atmosphere.

After collecting my tray of food, I strolled briskly to our usual table. However, I wasn't expecting everyone to be there already.

By everyone, it includes Sky.

I surveyed the entire area, and the only other vacant seat was beside an emo girl, who was currently stabbing her food venomously.

Nah. I don't have a death wish.

In the end, I decided to join the gang instead. The moment I sat down, everyone became silent.

Did they practice this beforehand or something?

Right, I don't think they did, since they weren't really talking that much before I came in the first place.

Especially Amery.

She is exceptionally different today, ever after returning from the hospital yesterday.

For instance, this morning in the car, she has opened and closed her mouth at least ten times, but nothing comes out. I could tell that she wanted to tell me something badly, from the pained and constipated look on her face.

Ha. Constipated look. Amery is having constipation.

I'm so hilarious.

Anyways, back to the main point.

I tried asking her to spill, but she simply dismissed me by huffing and letting out a beast-like growl, which sounds really creepy to be honest.

Maybe she's a werewolf at night.

Wait, does the pack consist of males only?

The only sane looking people at the table was only River, Emma, Jordan and me, obviously.

Sky looks different too. She looks paler than usual, and heavy bags were under her eyes.

A string tugged at my heart painfully when I saw her state.

Is that hurt that I'm feeling? But why? How? I'm not even injured.

"What's up with all of you? Why are you so eerily silent today?" River asked, breaking the tension.

Exactly, that's what I've been thinking too, Riv.

Before anyone could reply, there was a clap, and all eyes were on Chelsea, who was now standing on top of her lunch table, her eyes fixated directly on our gang.

Now what does that psychotic bitch want?

I got my answer a few seconds later.

She made sure to clear her throat to get everyone's attention before faking an overly-sweet smile.

Oh, I've seen that smile countless of times in those cheesy movies Am had forced me to watch. They always lead to nothing good.

Somehow, at the back of my mind, I have an uneasy feeling that something horrendous is about to happen.

No wonder my left eye has been twitching the entire day.

Worse still, she's staring directly at our table.

Does that mean that she's going to spread a rumor about us? Oh how fucking exciting.

"Now, may I have your attention please, everyone. I have something really juicy to share, and I'm sure none of you here knows about." She sassed, speaking loudly into the microphone she's holding.

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