☓☓ chapter twenty-four ☓☓

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☓☓ chapter twenty-four ☓☓

Whenever we are in pain, doubt, or fear, time always seems to pass by excruciatingly slowly. But when we are actually basking in a moment of bliss, it lasts for merely a sheer second.

It's really unfair, isn't it?

Oh well, nothing's ever fair in this cruel world that we live in.

Hours might have already passed by. Who knows? Maybe white hair has already started sprouting on my scalp from all the stress and anxiety that I'm feeling.

Do we even grow white hair due to nervousness? Who knows? I might be the first.

The only thing I am positive of is that my family arrived right before I had the urge to run into the operating theatre. Crazy idea, I know. But who the hell is able to think straight when they're on their way to a whole new world AKA depression?

I folded the drenched letter carefully before slotting it back into the envelope. I thought to wipe my tears away, but my blotchy face and bloodshot eyes would definitely give it away, so I slumped on the ground, resting my back on the cold, hard wall.

They say that big girls don't cry. What about big boys?

I was immediately engulfed in a tight embrace after the footsteps ceased. From the soft sobs and raking body, I came to the conclusion that it was Am hugging me.

They say that twins have a strong connection in some way or another; we feel the same thing at the same time.

I completely agree with the theory as the both of us are equally torn apart and broken right now.

But this theory is completely bullshit when she's being all diva prima and plotting ways to end my life. Not applicable to those type of times.

Now back to the present.

I returned her hug, using whatever strength I still had in me to whisper positive words into her ear, but to no avail.

I got so affected by her sobs that I ended up tearing up with her. Again.

Our pity party came to a halt when someone jabbed at my legs hesitantly.

Am pulled apart unwillingly, and scooted to the empty space beside me. She inched her legs to her chest and rested her head gingerly on it, silent tears continuing to stream down her bare face.

She must be really broken, for she never leaves the house without some makeup on.

Another poke came, and I turned around, ready to glare at the intruder. Only, I found a scared Chase staring at me with wide eyes, a hoodie and teddy bear hugged closely to his chest.

My face immediately softened on its own accord, and I pulled him onto my lap. I forced my mouth open and spoke, seeping fake enthusiasm into my voice.

"Hey buddy."

He disregarded my question and instead, attempted to wipe off the liquid on my face with his small hands.

"Did you play in the rain? Why is your face all wet? Your eyes are red too..." He frowned.

When realization hits him, he gasped.

If I wasn't so upset, I would've definitely laughed at his reaction. But I was, so remained poker faced.

"You were crying!"

Before I could even think of an excuse, he hugged me tightly.

"Don't be sad, Ashy."

If only it was so simple.

Sometimes, I yearn to be a kid again, where naivety was the world that we lived in, and pain was only temporary.

He suddenly pulled away and handed me a hoodie.

"I found this in your room. I thought you might be cold so I took it before daddy drove us here. And this is Mr Snuggles. Here, I'll let you hug him since I think you need it more than I do. Mummy wouldn't let me bring the one you bought for me."

I accepted the hoodie and smiled genuinely at him.

"Thank you, buddy. You can keep Mr Snuggles with you. Don't worry bout me."

I stuck both my hands into the respective holes of the hoodie, before Chase popped another question.

"Sister Sky is not going to heaven, is she?" He whispered, sounding terribly afraid, and a little hesitant at the same time.

Upon hearing that, I immediately pulled the hoodie over my head, blocking my face from his view, so that he won't see the look of pain on my face.

I mustered what I assumed was a reassuring expression, before making eye contact with him again.

"No Chase, she won't. Sky is stronger than that."

Maybe I was trying to coax myself instead, but I can't be too sure.

I don't even know anything anymore.

Apparently, I was a very convincing person. Chase nodded his head and hugged his teddy closer to his small body. I pulled him nearer and he leaned against my chest.

"I don't want her to leave. She's nice."

"Me too, buddy. Me too." She's perfect.

I stroked his hair absentmindedly, and the other held onto the envelope tightly, as though I would lose her if it ever gets out of my sight.

We stayed in this position until the rest of our gang showed up. Jordan offered me a small smile and patted me on the shoulder before pulling Am to his chest.

River and Emma, as though able to sense my mood, meekly offered me an equally sad smile before joining me on the ground, wrapped up in their own thoughts.

I'm surprised that no one has asked us to move to the chairs yet.

The lights illuminating the words 'Operating Theatre' suddenly shut off, and the automatic door clicked open.

The moment of life and death is here, and I'm not sure whether to feel relieved or die from my nerves.

I might sound like I'm exaggerating, but it definitely did not feel like so to me.

☓☓ author's notes ☓☓

Hey there! This chapter is quite short, so I'll try to update a new one soon.

(I always say the same thing but take forever to update. Haha)

Anyways, my grammar pretty much sucks. So, Please just ignore it until I have the time to change it.

That's it for now. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Love you all :)

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