☓☓ chapter twenty-eight ☓☓

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[A picture I found online at the side. *I do not own the picture*]

☓☓ chapter twenty-eight ☓☓

"I love you more, Sky. In fact, I would love to spend the rest of my life with you."

Those were the words that I never got to say to the one and only Skylett Dawson.

It honest to god, sucks when you know that you need to let go , but you simply can't seem to because you're still waiting for the impossible to happen.

In my case, I'm still waiting for Sky to suddenly pop up from the coffin, and assure me that all of this is a sick and twisted joke.

My hopes, as well as my facade, fall off the moment her coffin get lowered into the ground.

I simply can't bring myself to imagine her 'living' here permanently for the rest of her life.

How could such a precious life get taken away so quickly?

I did not even get the chance to say my last words to her.

As the dirt began to cover her coffin, I felt my knees buckle.

I fell to the ground and the tears that followed after flowed down at an alarming rate.

But that did not seem to take away any of my grief. In fact, it made me feel even worse.

It made everything ten times more real, when the people around me started sobbing too. This simply showed that everything happening now is not a figment of my imagination, but reality itself.

Three days ago, I remember myself shooting the ball into the goalpost, marking us as the winner of the championship.

But in the midst of a celebratory group hug, I couldn't help but look out in the pack of people for Sky.

When I couldn't spot her, I grew anxious.

Extremely anxious.

Before they could toss me up victoriously into the air, I detached myself from the group and ran.

I sprinted towards the spectator stand, jumped over the fence, and ignored everyone shouting out for me.

Clinching the medal at the stage is the least of my worries now.

We've already won.

I reached the spot she was supposedly at, and saw her frail body on the ground.

I knew that this was a bad idea. I even fucking pleaded them not to allow her to come.

But she was too stubborn to heed my advice.

I scooped her body up and cradled her in my arms protectively.

Even though Sky was figuratively in my arms, it felt as though she had already left.

I could still feel her body, but her soul was already floating away. Already leaving me.

Her slightly cold body and the unknown liquid spewed out from her mouth were huge indicators.

I felt helpless, hopeless and horrified.

Helpless that I can't do anything to ease away her pain.

Hopeless as I knew that there was no cure; no remedy left.

And horrified as I can't bring myself to accept this fact; she is leaving me. Once and for all.

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