☓☓ chapter seven ☓☓

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[A picture I found online at the side. *I do not own the picture*]

Question Of The Day:
Do you guys have any books to recommend for me to read? If you do, please comment at the side! (:

☓☓ chapter seven ☓☓

Next day at school, Chelsea glared at me for exactly twenty seconds before storming away. No words exchanged.

Now that's a first. Not that I'm complaining. She can ignore me for the rest of senior year too, and I might even say 'thank you' to her at the end of the year.

What's even better is that I managed to wake up on time today. So no pee from Am. Praise the lord.

You can say that my day has been going pretty well - for a Monday, which is supposed to suck big time.


During lunch, Skylett joined us at our table. No surprise there. Even if she didn't want to sit with us, Am would still drag her over nonetheless. That girl can be pretty demanding sometimes.

People around us starting staring at our table, some with envy, and others with jealousy or disgust.

Why disgust? I have no clue. I don't even converse with 90% of the entire student body, so I don't see why they would look at me like that.

Weird high schoolers.

Shouldn't they be sending those looks to Chelsea instead? She's the real walking STD, not me nor Sky nor Am.

River? That I'm not so sure but he hasn't gotten anyone pregnant yet, so I can say he's safe for the time being.

"Alright. I guess you guys have never met before. So Sky, this is River. River, this is Skylett." Am did the introductions once everyone settled down.

"Hey beautiful, it's a pleasure to meet you." River smirked, shamelessly checking her out.

"Hey hot stuff. Nice to meet you too." Replied Sky, winking.

Before River could open that big trap of his, Sky spoke up again, "Now, now River. Before you start firing pickup lines at me, no. I'm not going to do anything dirty with you. Am has already told me about your... interesting hobby. So yeah."

'Interesting hobby'. What a nice way to replace saying 'Your sex addiction'.

"Aw damn. Not even friends with benefits?" River bargained. Sky chuckled and shook her head, while munching on her fries, "Nope. Friends only. Nothing more. Nothing less."

River sighed in response, and looked around the cafeteria, probably trying to find his new 'prey'.

Seriously, I wonder when my boy would finally stop being such a player and settle down with a decent girl.

The girls started to converse between themselves, most probably about guys, by the look of their lovestruck face and their high pitched squeals.

Girls. I'll never understand them.

Deciding not to interrupt their conversation, I turned to River, ready to lash all out at him for ditching me in the hospital.

Yes, I'm one to hold grudges and it takes me a really long time to forget about them. Don't judge.

So get ready for some spicy drama about to happen right in front of your eyes. Only there isn't any.

Instead of seeing a River busy devouring his food, he was staring into space.

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