☓☓ chapter twenty-two ☓☓

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[A picture I found on Google at the side. *I do not own the picture*]


When I (Sky) returned to our assigned table, Asher wasn't there. Instead, there was a note on the table, together with a ticket, with my name boldly written on it.

Assuming that it was for me, I picked up both pieces of paper and glanced through it.

... Drawn directly under the note was a route to the circus.

Chuckling silently to myself, I clutched the ticket to my chest and made my way out of the restaurant.

Ah, this is definitely a fun day to look forward to.

☓☓ chapter twenty-two ☓☓

After ensuring that Sky was in the washroom, I got out of the gents and discreetly sped walk to our former table.

I took out a ticket and note from my back pocket and placed it on the table. I even went as far as to tip the waiter to ensure that no one else touches it except for Sky before hastily leaving.

I headed straight for the circus and took a seat at one of the front rows. After that, I directed my gaze to the area near the backstage where the curtains were located at.

When my eyes met with River's, he gave me a thumbs up and I smiled gratefully at him.

You have no idea how much effort I've put in to make this date possible.

After a few more minutes, more people started piling in. Among the crowd of people, I spotted Sky inside, and waved her over.

"Hey, girlfriend! I'm over here! Sky!" I screamed over the loud carnival music.

Once her eyes met mine, a lazy grin spread across her lips before she jogged over.

"I almost thought you planned on ditching me. You took so long!" I joked, earning an eye roll from her.

"Blame it on your horrible drawing skills. I had to ask directions from some strangers before I could get here." She countered.

I have no idea whether she was playing along with me or if she was being serious.

My drawing skills aren't that bad right? I remembered getting a borderline pass in elementary school.

Before I could form a reply, the bell chimed loudly, signaling the start of the performance. Soon after, the announcer welcomed the circus team and the first item began.

"Are you afraid of clowns?" I leaned towards her and whispered in her ears.

"Nope." She answered in an equally soft voice.

Thank god she isn't. Literally half of the arena was filled with clowns either juggling a ball or sculpting a balloon.

Cheers erupted after the first item and the animal show was over. The curtains shielded the stage as they prepared for the final performance - the magic show, which I would be a part of, courtesy to Riv.

I side glanced at Sky, and saw a huge smile plastered on her face.

Maybe I should work part time as a clown. That way, I can cheer her up every second of the day.

Just joking. I don't want to change from being known as the 'bad-ass' to the 'laughing stock' in school. Imagine the extra amount of attention I would be gaining.

No offence to clowns. I have nothing against them.

Just don't want my reputation to change in the matter of a few seconds.

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