☓☓ chapter eight ☓☓

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[A picture I found online at the side. *I do not own the picture*]

Question Of The Day:
How old are you guys? :)

☓☓ chapter eight ☓☓

The week passed by in the twitch of an eye - It is yet again Friday.

Soccer season is coming up in around two week's time. So we don't have a lot of time to spare for practice.

I met up with River at the field and gathered everyone before starting the warm ups. As captain, it is my responsibility to make sure that everyone is warmed up before coach arrives.

To be honest, soccer is the only thing that is keeping me in school. My grades too, of course. Or else, I would've been homeschooled a long time ago, if mum allows me.

So what if I'm a bad boy? I need grades to graduate and get the hell out of this school and find a high paying job.

"So you coming to the hospital tomorrow? " I asked, as we were running around the field.

Cool right? Being able to talk as I run. It's a skill you'll definitely acquire after being made to run during every practice.

"Yeah and oh! I almost forgot. How was working with Chelsea the other day? Must've been absolutely amazing, right?" He smirked, laughing at his own statement.

"Oh you have no idea how fucking fun it was to have someone whining literally every second to you. Wanna try it out?" I offered sarcastically.

Again, he chuckled. "No thanks, buddy. I'm cool with working with Emma. She's really nice and friendly."

"You're whipped too." I mocked, mimicking his exact words from the other day at lunch.

Before he could land a punch on my arm, coach blew his whistle, waving us over.

I smirked at River before sprinting away.

Thank you coach, you're a lifesaver.


The following morning, I woke up with sore legs and an aching back because Coach made us do conditioning yesterday.

It was absolute torture, I tell you. Even an ice bath can't make me feel any better.

I love soccer with all my life, but never drills nor conditioning. Nope. They suck.

I brushed my teeth and headed down for breakfast. Everyone is already gathered around the kitchen island, having some French toast.

Hmm nice.

"Morning everyone." I greeted and took my seat beside the little monkey.

'Good mornings' were returned to me and when mum came over to place a piece of toast on my plate, Chase tugged on her shirt continuously.

"Mum! I'm done with breakfast. Can we leave now?" He whined, jumping up and down on his seat impatiently.

Now you know why I call him my 'little monkey'?

"Go where?" Am and I asked simultaneously.

We're twins for a reason.

"To Amanda's house for a sleepover." Mum sighed, and looked at me hopefully.

"Is it possible for you to drive him over before you leave for the hospital? It's only ten minutes away from our house. Please?"

Seeing no need to rush today, I agreed.

Amanda? As in the Mandy that this kiddo has a crush on? Interesting.

"Ashy! Eat faster. Can we leave now?" He pouted, pointing to my plate impatiently.

Seems like someone is in a rush. I wonder why.

"Alright. Calm down buddy. I'm almost done. Go grab your stuff and we can leave. Amery you ready?"

Chase nodded excitedly and left, most probably to grab his stuff. Am stuffed the last of her toast into her mouth and flashed me a thumbs up.

Before we leave, I made a silent prayer to God, desperately hoping that Chelsea would not show up.



"Behave yourself and have fun!" I yelled as Chase hopped out of the car, with Am right behind him.

I doubt he even heard what I've just said.

I waited in the car for them, and when the door to the two-storey house opened, I caught sight of a middle aged woman and a little brunette sporting the exact same looks as her.

Now I know why my little monkey likes little Mandy.

Soon, Am got back into the car and we drove away to the hospital. Thankfully, there are a few empty lots, so we didn't have to wait too long.

"So did you meet any cute guys last week?" I asked once we walked into the building, smirking.

I doubt she did.

"Not to rain on your parade, brother. But yes, I did. There's this guy whose name is Jordan. He actually just transferred to our school yesterday. He's a senior too!" She informed, grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Oh. Guess I'm not always right.

Another new student? Exactly how many new students would be joining our school?

Why can't Selena Gomez transfer to our school too?

"Because she's already graduated from high school, smartass."

Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes you did."

"Right." I bet I sounded like a complete idiot.

I should seriously keep my thoughts to myself.

We marked our attendance with Mdm Rose before heading to our different wings.

Thankfully, I did not catch any sight of Chelsea. Hopefully, I can work peacefully alone today, and maybe get to know some of the kids too.

I would be stuck here for quite some time, so why not make the best out of it?

I started off with serving their meals, before they could leave for the playroom.

Most of the kids were well, kids. Some were around Chase's age, while others were a little older, around eight to twelve.

The playroom was slightly bigger than the size of my room. There are a few large bean bags spread around the room, a few tables with art supplies on them, a television with a wide selection of movies beside it, another one connected to a wii, and a stack of board games stashed at a corner of the room.

All in all, it looked extremely cosy and absolutely inviting.

Why didn't I come over here last week? Right, because Chelsea was there.

Now I know why the kids finished their food so quickly just now.

"Alright, so who's up for a game of Mario Kart on the wii?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how my good relationship with the kids kicked start.

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