☓☓ chapter one ☓☓

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[Picture of Asher Grayson at the side]

☓☓ chapter one ☓☓

Her slender fingers trailed up my chest and found their way up to my neck. Our faces inched closer and I slowly shut my eyes and pursed my lips.

Finally, it's going to happen! Oh my gosh!


Out of the blue, ice cold water was dumped onto my body and when I say I jumped out of my skin, I'm not kidding you.

My eyes bulged open to the size of a saucer and came face to face with none other than my sister.

You got me right.

My. Sister.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I shrieked, shooting daggers at her.

If looks could kill, she would be six foot underneath right now. Living with creepy crawlies and other decomposed bodies. Ew. Gross.

"Oh, there's absolutely nothing wrong with me. Just tryna wake my baby brother up. So get your stinky ass out of bed because it's time to rise and shine!" Amery chirped and smiled at me innocently.

That sneaky bastar- I meant devil.

I narrowed my eyes once again at her and tossed my soaked duvet aside and got out of bed. "You twat! You're only a minute older than me! I was about to kiss Selena Gomez when you decided that 'oh! I think I better dump all these cold water on Asher now'." I mocked, in an overly high pitched voice that sounds oddly like Chelsea's.

If you're wondering who Chelsea is, well, you might get a chance to catch a glimpse of her later.

With a roll of her eyes, she said, "That's too bad for you. Blame yourself for having such good timing, and I do not sound like that! That's like Chelsea's voice!"

Told you!

Amery grabbed the now empty bucket and before she walked out of my room, she turned around and smirked at me. "Just for your information, Selena and Justin are still together. So fat chance, brother. Faaaaat chaaaanceeee."

Damn. There goes my hopes.

Before I could chuck the nearest object at her, she slammed my door shut and made her escape. Her loud voice hollered down the hallway, screaming 'HURRY UP YOU SLOW POKE OR WE WOULD BE LATE!'

Yup, of course she would not forget to add in a nice name for me in the sentence.

I didn't bother chasing after her for soaking my bed - guess I can let my mother get the honor to do that in my place. Besides, my twin has a pretty good stamina, so I won't waste my breath chasing after her all around the house. Tried it once, and never going for a second time. Guess being the cheer captain in our school has its perks too.

I stretched and loosened my muscles a bit before getting down to my daily routine which consists of the usual - brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and having breakfast.

I changed into a white v neck and some black skinny jeans before shrugging on my 'signature leather jacket'. Wanna know how I became known as the, and I quote, 'Bad Boy of Westville High'?

Let me tell you a story. It all started when Amery decided to tag me along to a clothing store for my sixteenth birthday, which was last year. She said that I could choose anything I wanted, and that she would pay for it as my present. Thus, being the kindest brother you would ever see in this universe, I walked around the store for literally an hour, and picked the most expensive apparel that I could spot - which so happened to be the leather jacket.

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