☓☓ chapter eleven ☓☓

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[Picture of Jordan Woods at the side]

☓☓ chapter eleven ☓☓

Today's the day that soccer season starts.


I feel exceptionally hyped up today ever since I woke up. So obviously, I couldn't concentrate on any lessons, because all that's going through my mind is 'How badly should I kick Middleton High's ass?'.

So when the last bell of the day rang, I am the first to spring up from my seat.

Nothing new there.

Funny how I can always miss what the teacher is going about, but never the bell.


"Grayson, Martinez and the nine of you would be on court first. After first half, we would rotate to Woods, Jacobsen and the other nine. Now go get your warm ups done. Grayson, lead the team." Coach instructed.

Immediately, we stood up and not a second later, we were on the field, running.

The match will be held in our school's field later on. In fact, all of the matches would be held in our school.

That is if we manage to win tonight.

As usual, River and I are put in the same team - we just seem to play better when we're together.

There's two occasions when he was out in the other group and guess what? We lost quite pitifully to the opponent.

And when we opposed them again, this time with River in my team, we managed to win victoriously.

Call me superstitious for all you want, but I don't really care.

As for Jordan, or otherwise known as 'Woods' (his last name) in the team, is in-charge of the second half of the team, together with Jesse Jacobsen.

Those two work just as well as River and myself, so I'm not worried at all.

After our quick warm up, we huddled in a group and received a little prep talk from coach and my old man himself.

Yes, my dad makes it a point to show up at every match and cheer us on.

Soon, people started piling in, filling almost all the benches completely. At the front row, I caught Mum, my little monkey, Emma and oh! My Skyletty Cupcake, waving at me.

Seeing that we still have a ten minutes break, I waved back and made my way towards them.

"Hey my favorite people! Thanks for coming to cheer me on. I appreciate it a lot!" I cried dramatically and put a hand to my chest, batting my lashes.

"You wish, Grayson. I came to cheer on River actually. Speaking of the devil, I'll go find him first. See you guys later!" Emma announced, and with that, skipped to the direction I came from. Yes, she practically skipped.

I feel so loved.

"Don't worry, Ashy! Sky, Mum and I are here to support you! Right, mummy?" Encouraged Chase, smiling brightly at me.

He's so innocent that it's so cute.

"Right! Good luck, baby. Kill it out there. Show them what a Grayson is made of!" Mum cheered, fist bumping in the air. Too loudly for her own good, might I add.

After that, she pulled me into a hug and planted kisses on my cheek repeatedly.

Oh god. I don't even want to imagine how many people are staring at us now. Talk about embarrassing.

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