☓☓ chapter twenty ☓☓

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[A picture I found on Google at the side. *I do not own the picture*]

☓☓ chapter twenty ☓☓

What's a girl's biggest fear?

Oh, it's having a big fat stain on her shorts. Especially white ones.

And yes, bingo! That was exactly what I did to Am as payback the following day.

I actually woke up at six freaking thirty in the morning just so that I can get my revenge.

I mixed dark red food coloring and a little bit of my blood together before diluting it with some water.

Kidding. I didn't inflict pain upon myself just so that I can attain some blood to prank her.

Just as she was about to leave the house, I dashed like a ninja towards her, and yanked the door wider open.

Pushing her out, I squirted the amazing mixture onto her shorts before slamming the door.

And exactly three seconds later, her manly scream and my evil cackling could be heard.

Oh! Revenge is so sweet when served red.


After the 'attack', I took a shower and grabbed some movies before heading to Sky's house, after confirming that she isn't going to school either.

Ah, suspension is so nice.

Hmm, maybe they should just suspend me forever. Wouldn't that be great?

"Mum, I'm leaving! Love you." I announced to the empty house before locking the door.

I took away some of Skys' favorite cinnamon melts and two smoothies from macdonalds before hitting the road again.

Hmm. Since the both of us would be missing school for the whole of this week, I should plan something exciting for us.

Maybe go on a date tomorrow.

Have a swim with alligators or dance with snakes.

Ha-ha. I was kidding. Don't wanna court my own death.

Speaking about death, Sky has messaged and informed me yesterday that she would be going for the transfusion on Thursday. However, she has to be in the hospital by Wednesday, which leaves me with only one day to spend with her - which so happens to be tomorrow.

Oh God. I can practically feel my nerves exploding simply from this thought alone.

What if it isn't successful and Sky leaves me for good?

What if she never wakes up again?

Oh fuck. What if something misfortunate happens during the process?

What if I just shut the hell up now and stop scaring myself?

I sighed and hit my palm forcefully against the steering wheel, causing the horn to blare loudly.

Hissing a string of colorful words, I looked up, only to realize that I was already parked in front of her house.

My god. I hope her parents aren't at home now. Imagine the good impression I would set for myself.

I mean, everyone horns their car loudly in the wee mornings to signal their arrival, right?

Right. I'll stop being a smart ass.

I grabbed the bags filled with food and arrays of movies before jogging to her front porch.

The door swung open before my fist could come into contact with it. In front of me stood Sky, who's still in her pajamas - a black tank top and gray sweats.

She looks even hotter in the morning, if that's even possible.

"Hey, girlfriend. You look really hot." I complimented, stealing a kiss from her.

Feels so amazing to call her my girlfriend.

"Hey Ashy. You don't look so bad yourself. C'mon in." She widened the door and I whizzed straight into the kitchen.

"I can smell cinnamon melts. Oh god! Did you buy them for me?" She asked excitedly, sniffing the air a few more times.

Deciding to be a twat, I sassed, "Nah, babe. I just farted. Smells so good, right?"

I angled my butt in front of her face and made farting noises. She merely rolled her eyes before playfully punching my shoulder.

Damn. For a sick person, her hit is pretty painful.

"Don't be annoying. Now give me my food, mister."

"Nuh uh. Not so fast. What's the magic word?"

She frowned in disappointment before glaring at me.

Ah. Food over her boyfriend. I see, I see.

"Please?" She tried, still narrowing her eyes at me.

Since teasing her is such a fun thing to do, I decided to continue being a twat.

"Nope." I replied childishly, popping the 'p'.

"Then what is it? I'm hungry!" She snapped, frowning at me.

"Say 'Asher is the hottest guy in the entire universe' and all these would be yours." I pointed to the food placed in front of me.

I swear I saw her drooling.

"That isn't 'a magic word'. That's a sentence." She corrected, smirking in triumph at me.

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that. Remind me to think first before I steal a line from the movies next time.

"Just say it! I can actually finish two boxes of melts by myself, you know? Just saying."

"Alright! You win! Asher is hottest and sexiest guy in the entire universe. Happy?"

"Extremely! I didn't actually say 'sexiest'. But if you insist, then yeah, I accept all sorts of compliments." I winked and bowed at her.

After I straightened myself, she was already seated in front of me, devouring her food.

How nice.

"This. Is really. Good. Thanks." She moaned in between her bites.

"It's cool. I can do this everyday if you want." I suggested, smiling at her.

I really wouldn't mind doing this for her everyday. So I pray with all my heart that her transfusion would be successful.

"And I can eat this everyday." She replied, licking the sugary goodness off her lips.

"Don't lick your lips. It makes me wanna kiss you." I pouted, frowning at her.

"Then what's stopping you?" She challenged, amusement shining in her chocolate eyes.

"Nothing, actually."

With that, I slide myself forward, with my stomach pressed against the table.

It would've really been nothing, if not for the freaking kitchen island separating us.

Sky jumped from shock by my sudden movement, and dodged to her left.

Guess what? My body decided to lose balance, and I ended up groaning on the ground, my body sprawled in an awkward position.

Ah. I set really good impressions.

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