Getting Their Phone Numbers (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

"Hey (Name)! Do you think you could design a new outfit for me? I want to premiere a new song and I feel like I need a new outfit for it."

You turned to Sayaka, smiling softly.

"Sure, I'd be happy to. Is there anything specific you want for the outfit?"

Sayaka nodded, and wrote her number down on a piece of paper, handing it to you.

"I feel like it'd be easier to text you about it. I have to hurry to an interview I have set up, so I'll be sure to text you all the details and ideas I have in mind."

Before you could respond, Sayaka ran off, leaving you with her number.

Celestia Ludenburg

"You want me to accompany you to your next gambling tournament?" You asked in shock.

You hadn't been expecting this, but Celestia simply nodded.

"That is what I just said. As someone who usually gambles by themselves, I figured it would be nice to have some company cheering me on."

To say you were touched by such a sentiment would be an understatement.

"I'd be honored to join you for such an occasion... Do you have the details for the event?"

Grabbing a nearby sheet of paper, Celestia elegantly wrote down her number, handing it to you.

"Unfortunately I do not have such details yet. I'll be sure to text you when I do have them however."

Before you could comprehend what had just happened Celestia walked away, leaving you in shock.

'Did this just happen...?'

Sakura Oogami

"(Name), would you be alright with exchanging numbers?" Sakura questioned, the two of you just finishing an intense workout.

Well, it was intense for you. Sakura seemed just fine.

"I'd like to send some advice and tips for how to get stronger when the two of us can't train together."

Even though you were exhausted, you managed to smile softly.

"I'd... I'd like that. Thank you."

"Think nothing of it. Here, you need to make sure you hydrate properly."

Sakura then handed you a water bottle, which you accepted. She really was considerate and ensured you didn't push yourself...

Junko Enoshima

"(Name)! Can I have your number!?"

With Junko's sudden outburst, you almost fell out of your chair. She really did seem to show up out of nowhere...

"I-I mean, I guess... Is there any particular reason you want my number?"

Junko pouted at your response.

"Do I really need a reason to want to talk with my favorite person even when I can't see your adorable face?"

Junko really did have a talent for leaving you a flustered mess, despite not knowing her long.

"I guess not... Here."

Junko smiled happily as you two exchanged numbers. She'd ensure she wouldn't waste this prime opportunity to talk to you more often...

Mukuro Ikusaba

"You're saying that you want to have more training sessions outside of school hours...?"

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