When You Prank Her (Females)

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I know, I know. I've been gone for what feels like forever. I'm not going to go through my usual excuses of college or depression, I'm just going to say that I'm here at 1am writing, and feeling the best I have in a while. I missed writing, and I hope this will be the start of writing much more often. Well, not much more... I don't want to pressure myself in that way. I guess I'm saying that my drive to actually write is coming back, which should mean more scenarios in the future. I hope.

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Sayaka Maizono

Since getting together Sayaka had asked if you'd be willing to be the main designer for future outfits regarding her and her group of performers. She trusted in your designs, and you were more than happy to help your girlfriend with your talent.

While you weren't the most mischievous person, you could sometimes bring yourself to pull pranks on others. And with your arrangement in helping Sayaka you felt like you had the perfect set-up for a prank. All you had to do was design something that was odd and 'unique'. Surely she wouldn't wear it, right?

Oh my god she actually wore it-

Not only that, but she made it look good?! The articles regarding her latest performances showcased the fact Sayaka could make something not usually considered stylish be dazzling. You were sure Sayaka knew this wasn't your best, but maybe it was your talent that made it so your attempt to make bad clothes look good...? Regardless of the reason, this prank was considered a failure...

Celestia Ludenburg

Seeing as you always were forced to please the people you worked for, you had been the recipient of plenty of 'pranks', but never given an opportunity to hand one out yourself. You prayed that Celeste wouldn't be mad as you were ready to give your first attempt at giving out a prank.

"Celeste? I, uh... should've told you this sooner, but a new job for my services is from an important political figure; I don't think I can keep seeing you-"

Celeste pressed two fingers against your lips, shushing you.

"(Name), if you're going to try to deceive me you best learn to look me in the eye when you talk... there's other issues to address as well, but you definitely get an A for effort. You mentioned being the butt of the jokes or pranks pulled on you... I'm assuming this is your attempt at one?"

You nodded in shame, expecting Celeste to laugh at your pitiful attempt.

"You needn't look so guilty. It was your first time after all. I know a fellow in a younger grade that is plenty skilled with pranks. Perhaps we can give her a visit for some advice?"

You smiled softly.

"Excellent. Let us be off then."

Following Celeste off to find this "prank master" in the school, you were glad that Celeste took your desire to prank seriously. Celeste could sometimes seem like she wouldn't care for crass things such as pranks, but there's always something new to discover about her.

Sakura Oogami

When working out with Sakura, it was common for her to provide protein shakes for you both to have. Whether it be before, after, or sometime in-between she believed in the importance of having them during a workout.

While you weren't the type to prank someone, you thought you'd try something. While not being any special baker or cook you decided to replace the protein shakes with homemade milkshakes. You had tried various recipes and found one that tasted really good. You had offered to bring the protein shakes that day, and now it was time to give one to Sakura.

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