Can You Dance? (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

It's not hard to see that after you started dating Sayaka that you'd have free access to all her concerts. She wanted you to see her in her 'best moments' as she considered them, and you loved being able to support her in her dream. Still, every time you went to her concerts something new always seemed to surprise you.

"Alright! I want to see everyone dancing along with this next song! (Name), come join us upstage will you?!"

Wait... What?! Was this actually happening?! Sayaka had invited random fans upstage to say hi or maybe sing along... but she was calling you out to dance with her!?

Still, with the spotlight now focused on where you were, it wasn't like you couldn't just run away. Even so, you did wish Sayaka would have told you she was doing this in advance so she wouldn't make you feel like you were going to have a heart attack...

"Sayaka, I can't dance." You whispered in her ear once you got up on stage.

Sayaka simply flashed a pop-star worthy smile, taking your hands in hers.

"Don't worry about it (Name), we'll all show you how the dance goes! Right everybody!"

Everyone began cheering, and while it did give you some confidence, you still didn't appreciate being taken off guard. Although for now you might as well enjoy the moment; maybe you'll get to experience firsthand what Sayaka does when she performs. That's something you'd be interested in experiencing...

Celestia Ludenburg

As an ultimate, having various opportunities to spread your popularity and image is quite frequent at Hope's Peak Academy. A party was soon going to be held for businesses to meet various students in hopes of recruitment. There would be one for sports-related ultimates, but for now only a select among of ultimates would be attending.

You and Celeste were among those attending the initial party. You had originally thought Celeste would be excited, perhaps even looking forward to the event. However, this didn't seem to be the case.

"Celeste, is something wrong? You may be skilled in hiding your emotions, but I can tell something is bothering you. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Serving others in the past, it was easy for you to read the faces of people you spent long amounts of time with. Celeste was no different, although it did take longer than usual to be able to read her expressions..

"(Name), are you able to teach me how to slow-dance? I saw that some ballroom-type dancing would be featured at this party, and I regret to inform you that I have not learned how to do such a skill."

You smiled softly, gently taking her hand in yours. You helped her stand up, bringing her in closely.

"I'd be honored to help you learn how to dance. I'll make sure you're ready for the upcoming party; that I promise."

And sure enough you kept your word... Although Celeste never used the skills you taught her, which made you wonder if she was simply using that excuse to get close to you. Perhaps it would be a while longer before you could perfectly read Celeste...

Sakura Oogami

After being given tickets from Sayaka, you noticed Sakura seemed somewhat unsure about attending. You wondered if she didn't like big groups, as you knew it wasn't about attending the concert. Sayaka had given tickets to everyone in the class, so you knew there would at least be some that they knew.

Concerned, you decided to approach Sakura after class in her ultimate lab. You two worked out often there, so it was the perfect time to bring this up.

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