Korekiyo Makes His Grand Appearance

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I'm not sure how it happened... But Korekiyo caught my attention, and I decided to add him to the scenarios. So, this is like 'Kokichi's Catch-Up Scenarios'. Also, the AU is the same as the other V3 characters. Enjoy!

Meeting Them

You were excited to be attending Hope's Peak, for you were curious to see what you'd be able to learn while attending this prestigious school.

Being the ultimate researcher, you had a vast amount of knowledge in multiple categories. Sports... Music... Humanity... Politics... You name it.

When you arrived in the classroom, you saw that you were one of a few students there.

"Where is everyone? I thought that there were sixteen students in this class..." You questioned.

"Well, you are correct in this matter. There are sixteen students in this class. But, if you're not aware, you don't have to attend classes if you don't want to, as long as you're working on your talent." A male explained.

"Oh... I see... Thank you, uh..."

"Korekiyo Shinguji. Ultimate anthropologist. Nice to make your acquaintance."

"I feel the same way. I'm (y/n) (y/l/n); ultimate researcher."

Korekiyo looked shocked.

"Very interesting. You must be very informed in the ways of human culture, right?"

You nodded.

"I research everything. But yes, I do research human culture."

"Hm... Then maybe this class won't be so boring after all..."

Korekiyo then invited you to sit next to him, and you two began to share information with each other.

'Glad to see that I've made a potential friend in one day...'

Meeting Again

The next day at school, you had brought in some research which you hoped would convince the other students to stop skipping class, despite it not being required.

'They shouldn't be skipping classes like this... Perhaps this three-page explanation will get through to them.' You thought, with your hopes held high.


That only made your fall that much worse for you.

"What do you mean the other students decided to leave, and you're the only one left?!" You questioned Korekiyo.

"They decided to leave because they had 'better things to do'." Korekiyo explained.

You sighed, before plopping your head into your hands.

"... Was all my research for waste...?"

"Research?" Korekiyo questioned.

You looked up.

"Well, yeah. I was hoping that this research paper would convince the students that remained to stay, and convince the other students to come. But, as you can see... That plan failed..."

"I see. Do you mind if I read this?" Korekiyo questioned.

"Sure, go on ahead." You said.

Korekiyo then began to read the report.

And when he finished...

"(y/n), you truly do have a talent for writing. This document is truly an impressive work of art."

You blushed at his compliment.


"If you'd like, I could use this to try to bring the other students back."

"Really?! You'd do that for me?!"

"Of course."

You smiled.

"Thanks so much!"

"I should be the one thanking you for this masterpiece. .Now, if you'll excuse me... I must go bring the other students back." Korekiyo said, before walking out of the classroom.

You smiled as he left.

'What a great friend I have...'

Getting Their Phone Number

As you were looking through your human civilization research papers in your collection of research, you noticed that there seemed to be some parts of the history missing.

'Maybe Korekiyo can help...' You thought.

And so, the next day, you decided to ask Korekiyo for help.

"I see. You need my assistance?"

"Yes. I was hoping that I could borrow one of your books-"

"Not possible."

"Why not?" You questioned.

"The writing is in an ancient writing. There's no way you could read the words yourself, so lending you the book would do no good for you."

"Oh... I see..."

"But, perhaps if you gave me your phone number, then i can text you the translated version...?"

Your eyes lit up.

"Really?! Thank you! Here, have my phone number." You said, before writing down your phone number, and handing it to Korekiyo.

"You're quite welcome. I will be sure to text you the information when I get the chance."
You smiled.

"Thanks! I'll be looking forward to it."

Korekiyo nodded.

"Then I'll be sure to not keep you waiting."

Texting Conversations

As you were waking up on a Saturday morning, you saw that you had a text from an unknown number.

It was a long text. A LONG text.

'How long did it take this person to text this?' You questioned.

But, as you read through the text, you realized that this was Korekiyo, sending the information you had asked for.

After about an hour or so of writing all the information down, you sent back a thank-you reply.

Thank you so much Korekiyo! I really do appreciate it. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?

It was a few minutes before Korekiyo responded.

Just keep me company for a while. I want to know more about your research.

You smiled at his request.

Can do.

And so, for the next while, you just texted and exchanged information with Korekiyo.

Realizing You're Crushing

Throughout your extensive research, at one point, you had researched the tricky emotion known as 'love'. Due to this, you had a good feeling that you were in love with Korekiyo, based on what your research said about falling in love.

'He just fascinates me... He makes me wanting to know more about him. But... Does he feel the same way?'

This is what worried you, but since you had never met anyone like Korekiyo, your research for guys falling in love was useless.

'Oh well. I'll just have to wait and see what happens....'

There you go. Hope you were able to enjoy. I'll try to have a new scenario out soon, that'll have all the characters in it. Later! =^-^=

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