Meeting Your Parents (Females)

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Sayaka Maizono

Given how busy your parents usually were with their own jobs, it was a rare opportunity to know that they'd be in the city to visit. Given this opportunity, you figured it would be a good idea to introduce your girlfriend to them. While they did know you were dating someone, they didn't know who exactly you were dating.

"(Name), you're telling me you were dating the Sayaka Maizono, and you didn't say anything?!"

You nodded softly, Sayaka giggling at your mother's response. At the very least it didn't seem like she was upset...

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. (Last Name)."

While your father was more or less indifferent to the situation, your mother was another story. She was a fan of musicians and was the type of person to go to events just in hopes the singers would glance in her general direction...

"(Name) has been treating you alright, right? I must apologize if her shyness has gotten the better of her in some situations."

Not even five minutes in and your mother had already taken Sayaka's side...!

"Come on dear, you shouldn't be like that. You need to remember that (Name)'s our daughter."

Thank you dad...!

Regardless, it did seem like your parents were more than happy with the arrangement... That's a relief at least.

"If you'd like, I could get you tickets for my next concert."

Cue parent fangirling... Oh boy.

Celestia Ludenburg

Given your ultimate title of the ultimate servant, it's easy to see that you perhaps didn't have the happiest childhood. You weren't treated the kindest, but it did help you gain your ultimate title, so you didn't mind.

Today you were going with Celeste to go to a casino since she seemed interested in gambling with someone specific, although she wouldn't tell you who. Regardless, you went with her, but was shocked to see some familiar faces...

"Ah, there they are. Those are the two I was hoping to gamble with today."

You looked at Celeste in shock, not expecting her to be talking about your parents.

"You mustn't look so shocked (Name), I'm simply returning the favor for what they did to you."

You had trouble speaking up after this, following Celeste as she approached your parents.

"Oh... (Name). I didn't realize you'd be here too."

You frowned softly, seeing that your parents hadn't really changed that much since you left. Before you could speak up though, Celeste beat you to it.

"Does it truly matter if she's here? It won't change the fact I'm here to defeat you in a gamble."

You knew your parents were gambling addicts, so despite Celeste's title as the ultimate gambler they ended up accepting... You wouldn't say you enjoyed seeing others suffer, but seeing your parents suffer after mistreating you as a child was somewhat enjoyable... Or at the very least, it made you consider yourself even with them...

Still, you were surprised Celeste had done research to get back at them for you... It was moments like these that reminded you of how much you loved Celeste.

Sakura Oogami

You didn't necessarily have a deep connection with your parents. It's not like you had a bad relationship with them, but it wasn't positive either. They didn't go out of their way to care for you, but did make sure you had the necessities and things like that. You'd consider your relationship somewhere in the neutral range.

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