Revenge... (Males)

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Byakuya Togami

Because of Byakuya's... lack of common affairs, his concepts of pranks weren't as others considered them as. He and (Name) had decided to go to an opera sometime, and Byakuya was in charge of getting them tickets.

"I have the tickets for us."

Handing (Name) her ticket, she just looked at it and smiled.

"Great. I'm looking forward to it."

Byakuya was confused by this... shouldn't she be realizing that it's a prank? It's tickets for the common-place, poor people. With all the high-end treatment Byakuya can bring, how does she just accept average tickets?

"Is there something wrong? You seem confused."

Byakuya couldn't just admit this was a prank after this. Byakuya Togami is perfect in everything, so a failure of a prank would only tarnish his reputation.

"Nothing. I look forward to the date."

He'd made sure to exchange them with VIP tickets later.

Chihiro Fujisaki

Although Chihrio has been learning the piano to impress you, he is also capable of creating programmed music if you will; creating a program to make music. He was really excited to send it to (Name), but then had a thought.

Earlier she had pranked him, so maybe he can get back at them? He's too precious to do anything sinister, but a silly joke song could do it?

Sending the song, Chihiro wondered what kind of response you'd have.

Thanks for the great song Chihiro; I like the goofiness of it.

The prank didn't exactly work, but given that Chihiro was just having fun with it, he didn't mind the outcome. He's too kind to do anything to make you upset.

Kiyotaka Ishimaru

Kiyotaka didn't appreciate the prank you had pulled earlier, and decided to try to teach you a lesson. One day at school, he approached you with complete seriousness.

"(Name), you've been sentenced to detention today in this classroom after school."

Before (Name) could ask any questions, he left to go monitor the halls. She didn't actually have detention, and would be surprised when the teacher monitoring her detention would be Kiyotaka himself.

"If you just wanted to spend extra time with me, you could've just asked."

Kiyotaka shakes his head, giving you some homework. Given that you study with Kiyotaka often, schoolwork has no longer been an issue. Even so, it was a lot of work.

"I hope this will help you understand the importance of studying; it is a sacred time to be treated with respect."

Rolling your eyes, you started on the work anyway. You knew he was just trying to help you, and you couldn't bring yourself to refuse the 'sentencing' Kiyotaka had given you.

Leon Kuwata

Now that you and Leon were a musical duo, the both of you had to pull more weight to create music. You didn't mind, and despite your true talent being dancing, you had found yourself to be quite skilled in the guitar.

You had written a couple different song ideas and figured you should show them to Leon. But the truth is that he had un-tuned your guitar after your last practice; only as an act of revenge for scaring him before.

"I'm ready to hear the song ideas babe."

Nodding, you began to start playing the tunes you had written... Only for it to sound absolutely horrific, like long nails scratching a chalkboard. You instantly stopped, confused. You tried a different tune, only for the same thing to happen.

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