1: The Alley

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You ran through an alley. Maybe that loaf of bread wasn't worth it, but a 6 year-old's got to eat.

You were fast but the officers were catching up. You had been stealing all your life and never got caught once. Maybe today was the day. It was going to happen sometime.

You ran out of breath, ready to give up. What could they do to you? Nothing too bad, you hoped. 

Then you felt someone grab you and pull you into a hole. You were going to yell but they covered your mouth. You heart pounded as the guards ran by. You stayed completely still for fear of being seen.

You turned to face your rescuer, or rescuers. One had blue eyes and black hair, the other was green-eyed and blond. They were dirty and scrawny, like you. "Thank you," you whispered.

"You're welcome," said the blond. He held out his hand and you shook it reluctantly. "I'm Miguel and this is Tulio." You looked at the other one.

Tulio shook your hand but then kissed it as well. 

You spoke up, "I'm Y/N." You showed them the bread and split it three ways, they were obviously hungry too. They smiled. "I feel like we're going to be good friends."

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