15: Sacrifices

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Now they looked like gods. The armadillo took off on its own. The other team just couldn't score, hardly touched the ball, but Miguel and Tulio were doing amazing. You and Chel would cheer and high-five when Miguel and Tulio got another point.

They started getting cocky too. They would pose and let the armadillo do all the work.

Then came the moment when the armadillo went out of bounds and had to be replaced. Sure, you just send the armadillo back in. But in Chel's excitement, she sent back a regular ball. You grabbed her arm but it was too late. She stared at the armadillo wide-eyed.

Now you had to warn the boys, who were riding Altivo. You got their attention and showed them that the armadillo was with you, not in the game. They immediately looked panicked. Tulio accidentally hit Miguel's face, trying not to let the ball fall.

You watched to see if the ball went through the hoop. There was a collective silence. You could hear a pin drop. The shadow was also approaching the end line. You grabbed Chels hand anxiously.

Then it went through the hoop (of course not because Altivo kicked the wall). You cheered and the game ended. You let out the breath you'd been holding. You and Chel hugged and then ran up to Miguel and Tulio.

"Well done!" you said, hugging them. Tulio even picked you up. You looked at the blood above Miguels right brow. You went to wipe it but you were interrupted. 

"Congratulations on your victory," said Tzekel-kan from behind you, evil glint in his eyes. "And now you will, of course, wish to have the losing team sacrificed to your glory."

His words hung in the air and you watched the losing team kneel.

"Not again," complained Miguel, rolling his eyes. But there was a layer of anger in his voice. "Look, Tzekel-kan-"

"Uh, Miguel," said Tulio quietly

"-forget the sacrifices-"


"-we don't want any sacrifices."

"But all of the sacred writings," pleaded Tzekel-kan, "say that you will devour the wicked and the unrighteous !"

"Well I don't see any one here who fits that description," said Miguel, holding up his arms to show him all the worried faces around. 

Tzekel-kan scoffed, "Well, as speaker for the gods, it would be my privilege to point. them. out."

You and Tulio shared a look and watched, pretty much horror-struck, as Miguel took down the priest a couple of notches. 

Miguel said, "The gods are speaking for themselves now! This city and these people have no need for you anymore." He pushed passed Tzekel-kan, towards the kneeling team, and helped them up. "There will be no sacrifices! Not now, not ever!"

The crowd cheered. 

You looked around, this was like their freedom. You regain your courage and stood next to Miguel. You looked at Tzekel-kan, right in the eye and told him to get out. 

You stared him down, ready to claim your victory. But something was off. something turned inside Tzekel-kan and he let out a low growl whilst saying, "As the...gods command." He treated with his regular bow. 

You were ready to dwell on Tzekel-kan's unsettling attitudewhen you were picked up suddenly by the crowd, along with Miguel and Tulio. You couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, not bad for my first commandment, huh?" said Miguel with a laugh.

Tulio stammered, trying to remind Miguel of "the little voice", but he was carried away. You took Tulio's hand reassuringly. He smiled, "Yeah, fine."

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