3: Cuba!

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"Congratulations," said Miguel once you landed.

"No, that was good," said Tulio

"One of our best, don't you think boys?" you said, standing up. Then you felt a hot breath behind you. You slowly turned to face a bull. "We should've kept those swords..."

"Yeah," said Tulio. "I've got a plan. You pet him," he took your hand. "and we'll run." you started running and you caught Miguel's hand too.

"Thanks a lot!" shouted Miguel.

You jumped over the fence and the bull made it out too, breaking everything in its path.

Some sailors were in front of you so you turned left. They would beat you up for cheating.

Then the officers were there so you had to enter the houses and exit behind them. You and Tulio accidentally walked into a lady showering and she screamed. You apologized profusely as you ran out.

You ran down stairs and swung across some soldiers, using a clothing line. They started shooting and you all stopped and looked down at three open barrels with water.

"I bet we can make that," said Miguel.

"Two pesetas says we can't," said Tulio, looking at the approaching soldiers.

"Three says we'll make it but get caught after," you said.

"You're on!" said Miguel and you jumped into the barrels. "You lose." You and Tulio passed him the pesetas. You closed the barrels but then they started moving.

"What's happening?" asked Tulio.

"We're both in barrels," replied Miguel. "That's the extent of my knowledge."

"Thank you, Miguel," you said sarcastically.

You were rolled away and when it stopped Tulio said, "Okay, guys, we gotta move fast. On three we jump up and head for the dock."

"Good," Miguel said. "Okay, that's great."

"One," you said. "Two, three," you pushed up but the lid didn't come off. You were straining but to no avail.

"Three," repeated Miguel. Nothing.

_ _ _

You felt the hours pass by. "All right, one more," said Tulio. "Y/N?"

"No." You were tired.

"Please, just once?"

You sighed. "Fine."

"Great, let's go. One, two, three!" You pushed up and you saw all the sailors. They were unimpressed and unamused. Included, were the once's you'd been trying to run away from. Tulio looked down, "Excuse us, who ordered the, uh, pickles?" You sunk into your barrel and they passed their pesetas to you. In the end. They always did.

You were chained and dragged to Cortes. Your messy hair from being pulled on by the sailors fell all over your face. Miguel's green eyes widened as he saw the tall figure of one of the most feared men.

"My crew," he said. "Was as carefully chosen as the disciples of Christ." he cracked his knuckles. "And I will not tolerate stowaways." Tulio gulped. "You will be flogged, and when we pull into Cuba, god willing, you will be flogged some more."

You felt uncomfortable under his stare. "And you," he said. "Will become nothing more than a piece of meat every man has touched. And then you will all be enslaved on the sugar plantations for the rest of your miserable lives." You gulped. "To the brig." he turned around.

"All right," said Miguel, smiling. "Cuba!" Before you could make a salty remark, you were all dragged away.

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