10: It's Tough To Be A God

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You changed into clothes that were revealing like Chel's but more decorated.

"Mmm-mm-mm," said Miguel. "Maybe they should call this place Chel Dorado." You nudged Tulio.

He chuckled, "She's wo- woah! She's trouble. Wait a minute."

"What?" you asked.

"Remember that little voice, the little voice?" said Tulio. He looked at Miguel. "Pretend for a moment that you have one, what would it be saying about Chel?" Miguel purred and you nodded. "No, No, listen. The three of us are partners."

"We're partners," confirmed Miguel.

"We have a plan," continued Tulio. "Remember?"

"Yes, it's to get the gold and go back to Spain," you said.

"Yes, and we are pretending to be gods. Now, put Chel into the mix, what does the voice say? Listen carefully."

"Chel is off-limits?" asked Miguel.

"Bravo!" said Tulio. "Chel is off-limits."

"That's fair," you decided. "Shake on it." You did and Tulio proceeded to change. You helped Miguel with his crown.

"Besides," said Miguel. "We're gods, we must avoid giving into temptation."

"Gods, oh, that's going to be tougher than I thought." Tulio was having problems with his attire. You went over and helped him tie the bottom piece.

"Relax," you said reassuringly. "Just smile and act godly. Follow Miguel's lead, he's getting the hang of it." He smiled. You kissed him lightly and pushed him out.

There was happy music when you walked out. People dancing and smiling. To be honest, some of the smiles seemed fake.

Tulio tried playing with a baby but it bit him. You laughed and pulled him away.

"Being worshipped is a breeze," Miguel said, drinking some wine.

"I barely know the words to any hymn," you replied. He simply kissed you and passed the wine. You danced a bit and then a stage was set up with huge light. The people gathered around.

You and Tulio helped Miguel's shadow look like it had huge muscles. "It's great to be a god, tread where mortals have not trod."

Tulio laughed, "Be defied when really you're a sham." He took your hand and led you to dance some more.

Miguel joined you and said, "Be an object of devotion, be the subject of psalms. It's a terrifying notion! All those prayers and those salaams!"

You laughed. Your senses began feeling a little fuzzy and you put your arms around Miguel and Tulio, "if we don't comply with the locals' wishes, I can see us being sacrificed or stuffed."

Miguel nodded, then smiled. "You have a point, yes, that's very good thinking. So let's be gods; the perks are great." You smiled and Chel appeared behind you.

"It's tough to be a god," you slurred and she giggled. Someone behind you bumped into you and you fell back. They landed on top of you. It was Tulio.

"But if you've got the people nod, count your blessings," he kissed your neck. "Keep them sweet."

Miguel pulled him back and said, "That's our advice."

Chel helped you up and you kissed her cheek. You went off and jumped onto Miguel's back, he laughed and walked around.

People's eyes looked bigger now and they would move in flowy motions. You started seeing bubbles in the air and your warm skin was glowing faintly.

You stumbled about in this paradise... This paradise. You couldn't, couldn't... what?

You looked up at Tannabok dancing with colorful frogs and huge skeletons. Bats and faces, Altivo? Stars overlapped and moved.


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