2: Seven!

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"Seven!" yelled Tulio. He threw the dice. Surprise, surprise, it was seven. Not like you use loaded dice. You high-fived him and Miguel, who began playing his ukulele.

"Tons of gold for you," you sang.


"Tons of gold for me," sang Tulio


"Tons of gold for we!" sang Miguel.

"Hey!" you all stopped, either annoyed or scared, to face an angry sailor. "One more roll." You and Miguel shrugged.

"Uh, guys," said Tulio. "You're broke." he made money gestures.

"You got nothing to bet with," you added, laughing. Scamming sailors was as much fun as you can imagine. You were never clever enough to be rich. But the act of cheating was exhilarating.

"Oh, yeah?" asked the sailor. He pulled out a map. "I got this."

Tulio scoffed. "A map?"

"Your eyes never fail, do they?" you asked sarcastically. He smiled and put his arm around you.

"A map!" You watched Miguel inspect the map. "Wow! Let's have a look." He started muttering indistinctly like an excited parrot. Tulio started walking away but you pulled him back.

Tulio looked at the sailors. "Excuse us for one moment."

You hid behind the map. "Look," said Miguel excitedly. "El Dorado, the city of gold. This could be our destiny. Our fate."

"Miguel," said Tulio. "If I believed in fate I wouldn't be playing with loaded dice." You showed the dice which, of course, read seven. Miguel pouted. "Not with the face." You started pouting too. "No!"

"I said," the sailor took the map. "One more roll. My map against your cash."

You and Miguel smiled at Tulio. "All right, Peewee" he said, taking the dice. "You're on."

"Not with those," he said. "This time, we'll use my dice." You all hesitated and stared at the dice. "You got a problem with that?"

You took the dice. "Of course not!"

Tulio looked at you and Miguel and whispered, "I'm going to kill you both." You smiled innocently. Miguel started playing his ukulele and Tulio rubbed the dice. "Come on baby, papa needs that crappy map," he said through gritted teeth at the dice.

Miguel, who was skilled on his ukulele, was swooning a lady so you pulled him back and kissed his cheek innocently, causing her to turn away. He shrugged at you. Miguel wasn't going to go flirting with the first girl that comes up. You had to flirt with them too.

Tulio tried to swoon too but she just walked away, dice aren't as charming. He scoffed after her and blew on the dice. You kissed his nose for good luck.

"Show me seven!" Tulio said and threw the dice. You all watched anxiously, holding your breath. The dice kept spinning and you felt like screaming. You clutched Tulio's arm. Then it stopped.

"Seven," you said, relieved.

"All right!" Miguel took his map and you helped Tulio pick up the gold. You started laughing. You couldn't believe your luck.

"There it is. Well, nice doing business with you." Your dice fell out of Tulio's vest. You quickly went to pick them up but the sailor was faster.

"I knew it!" he said. "Your dice are loaded!" Miguel played his Ukulele and you stopped him. This was no time to be dramatic, instead it was time to escape.

Tulio looked at Miguel. "You gave me loaded dice?" He bumped into an officer. He became dramatic as you could almost see the curtain fall. "He gave me loaded dice!"

The crowd began murmuring. You gasped, "Arrest him." You repressed a smile.

"You mean to impugn my honor?" asked Miguel. He pointed to Tulio. "He was the one who was cheating. Arrest him."

"Arrest both of them," you suggested. Pushing them both.

"He tricked these sailors and took their money," said Miguel.

"Oh, now I'm the thief?" asked Tulio. "Take a look in the mirror pal."

"He does," you sighed. "Constantly."

Miguel pretended annoyance. He turned to Tulio, "You better give that money back or I'll..." He took the guards sword. "On guard!"

"On guard yourself," said Tulio. "I will give you the honor of a quick and painless death."

"You are both to blame," you said, taking the last guard's sword. "Any last words, gentlemen?"

You held your sword at Tulio, Tulio at Miguel, and Miguel at you. This was fun.

"I will cut you into ribbons," said Miguel and you laughed. You all pushed your swords together.

"Such mediocrity," said Tulio. "Let your sword do the talking."

"I will," said Miguel, holding up his sword. "It will be loquacious to a fault." He jabbed at Tulio and he dodged. You blocked Miguel's sword and took a swing at Tulio.

"You... menacing, fencing, twit," said Tulio. Miguel jumped onto some boxes.

"Ah, you fight like my sister," replied Miguel, hopping onto the roof.

"I've fought your sister, that's a compliment," you intervened, also reaching the roof.

"Braggart! Heathen!" exclaimed Miguel. Tulio slipped and Miguel kept fighting him.

"Not the face," whispered Tulio. You pushed Miguel back but not before he knocked away Tulio's sword.

You stopped and everyone cheered. "Ladies and gentlemen," said Tulio. "We've decided it's a draw."

"Thank you all for coming," said Miguel, throwing down the swords.

"It's been a pleasure," you added. "Adios!" You jumped down, behind the building.

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