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**That's my weekend groove song up there...haha. Play it as you read.**

Journal entry

Things are looking up for me. I've stopped thinking about what I had to do to get here. Maybe the end justifies the means after all..

Mina's POV

I got more excited as the weekend came closer. The thought of seeing Luke again was giving me major butterflies. He always comes back home on weekends. Naturally, he'd stop by the diner, and I'd see him.

What was making my heart race even more was that he may come to the caravan. I doubt one night was enough payment for a caravan. I mean, I'm young but I'm not naive anymore. When men spend on you, they always make sure they collect the equivalent value of their money in pleasure. So I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't expecting him. What was freaking me out was that I was looking forward to it.

What's wrong with me? Wishing to be with the boy who is with another girl. In the ring, transactions were clear and precise. I knew what was expected of me. What I was giving and what I was getting. I didn't spend one extra thought worrying about my client's perception of me, or when I will see him again.

I needed to get a grip on myself. This was not the 'pretty woman' movie.

I busied myself packing my pyjamas into my back pack. Today was the sleepover at Violet's house and we decided we will go straight from work.

I had already done my laundry and taken my bath but I still had time. So I sat on the bed and wrote some entries in my diary.


"At what age did you have your first kiss and with who?'

The question was for Violet. We sat around in a circle on the floor of Violet's bedroom. We were playing a game Monica called 'secrets or silence'. It was basically like truth or dare. Someone asks you a question and you choose whether to spill a secret or keep silent. The penalty for keeping silent instead of spilling the secret was a gulp of apple cider. Violet's mom did not allow any alcohol in her home, hence the use of apple cider. When I tasted the apple cider, I realized a lot of secrets will be spilled at this game. The taste was so terrible, it made me shudder.

The girls at this sleepover were actually cool. There was Monica, she was on the cheer-leading team. There was Andrea, she was on the debate team with violet. And there was Michelle, I can't remember the club she's in. I expected them to look at me like 'oh you're the girl who serves us lunch at school', but they were actually very nice and accepting. I warmed up to them in no time.

'My first kiss was at fourteen'' Violet said ''In the kissing booth, with Tyson''

We all cheered and clapped for her. That was the full reward for spilling a secret.

It was Violet's turn to ask. She chose Michelle. ''Is it true that you made out with Bryan under the bleachers last season?'

Michelle paled a little ''of course not''.

'hmmn..I saw someone making out with him that day. It looked a lot like you'' Monica said in a singsong manner.

'well, it wasn't'' Michelle argued ''Now your turn, new girl'..' she looked at me.

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