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Journal entry

Some ghosts are not scary. They are soothing and loving. They make us want to go crazy again.

 Mina's POV

I woke up feeling foggy and slightly disoriented. Soon my vision cleared, and I was able to get my bearings. Looking around, I realized I was in a hospital room. Why was I here? I tried to remember if I was involved in an accident. I looked down at myself and other than the IV tube connected to my arm, I think I was fine. But why was I here?

The door opened and a nurse came in. "I see you're awake. That's good. How do you feel?" she asked.

I opened my mouth and spoke but nothing came out. I closed it and cleared my throat then tried again. "What am I doing here?" I sounded like Adam, no I sounded worse.

She gave me a stern look as she continued checking my vitals. "You overdosed on PCP. Lucky for you Mrs Bakersfield found you and brought you in just in time."

Overdosed? I remember popping some pills but I didn't think I took that much. I was feeling fine actually until... I closed my eyes as snippets of last night flashed into my head.

"Mrs Bakersfield?" I asked, confused. I didn't see her yesterday.

"Yes, she's been here all night too. I'd let her know you're awake. The doctor will also be here any minute now." she said and walked out.

About a minute later, Eve came in looking relieved.

"Hey" she said with a smile and took the seat beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I gave her a small smile. "I'm...okay. I feel okay"

She looked at me like she wanted to see through me, but she nodded.

The doctor, a middle-aged man with a serious demeanor walked in. He explained basically what the nurse had said but in medical terminology. He added that they will keep me some hours longer for observation, and then he left. I was still feeling a little weird so I closed my eyes.

"It might take some time to completely wear out" Eve said gently.

I opened my eyes and looked at her. "You're not mad at me?"

She shook her head. "Mad? Oh no, Mina. I'm not. I'm grateful"

I looked at her unconvinced. How could she not be mad?

"I thought I lost Adam several times before he finally went away. He overdosed three times, three times I was the one who found him. I used to be so scared that one day I'd get the news that he was gone, passed out in his sleep or just lying in a ditch somewhere, and I wouldn't be able to reach him on time." she paused and closed her eyes. I felt bad that I had to make her relieve the anxiety she must have felt then.

"I'm sorry" I told her in a small voice.

She opened her eyes and looked into mine. "I'm not mad. I'm grateful you're alive. I'm so thankful that Adam called me and I found you on time."

"He called you?" I asked.

"As soon as he dropped you off. He called me to check up on you, explaining the situation. After we brought you here, he told me everything" she explained.

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