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Journal entry
Like my people often say, we move!

It doesn’t feel like it is, but the fact that I’m no longer where I used to be is a good thing.

Mina’s POV

It’s been a week since I contacted Tetura. No reply. Maybe she lost her phone. Maybe she's just laying low for a while. I tried searching up the facebook profiles of some of the other ring girls but we all used aliases and fake names. Most of them, I didn’t even know their real names, except Tetura. So I’m back to square one I guess, waiting until she reaches out.

We just finished serving lunch at the highschool cafeteria and we were cleaning up and packing up to leave. I was cleaning down surfaces while listening to music with my headset when my phone rang. I picked it up without looking. “Hello? Mina?"

‘ughm, who’s this?’ I asked even as my pulse quickened a little. I know that voice, but I had to be sure. It seemed deeper, more sombre like the bass string of a guitar.

‘’It’s Dagogo’.  

‘’Oh…hey Dagogo’’ I said in a small voice that didn’t sound like me. I cleared my throat. I wasn’t about to start acting like a little school girl. I’m grown now.

I could sense him smiling on the phone ‘how you dey?’’

‘I’m good. I’m getting by.’’ I said and laughed awkwardly. I haven’t spoken to Dagogo since the day I hung up on him when I was still in the ring. I thought he’d forgotten about me. ‘’how you dey?’’ I asked him.

‘’Good, good’’ he said. ‘’Everything’s fine. School, home, my side-gig. We dey run things’’

‘’I believe you. You too dey ginger.’’ I said and we laughed. Dagogo was always looking for ways to make money. From retailing trending merchandise, to online forex trades and cryptocurrency. He even dabbled into real estate and became an agent, earning a small percentage on mortgage and rent proceeds.

We talked about random things as we tried to catch up. Then he said he had to go to school and reminded me to save his contact. I did that immediately with a wide smile on my face. I enjoyed my chat with Dagogo. I remember he used to speak to me like a younger sister which was so infuriating at the time considering that he was only 2 years older than me. Today, he spoke to me like a friend.

No sooner had I hung up than Mr. Obi poked his head through the cafeteria door.

"Hi Mae," he called out. "how’s it going?"

‘’Hi Obi, it’s going great.’’ She replied, looking pleasantly surprised. "we’re just finishing up here.’’

He nodded and looked at me. "Mina, I need to see you in my office, now please.’’ And with that he turned and disappeared.

I looked at the door where he’d just left with a scowl on my face. "I’m not even your student’’ I muttered, lowly but Mae heard and laughed out.

‘’you better run along now before he puts you in detention’’ she teased.

I huffed. ‘’I’d be right back’’

It didn’t help that my palms were sweaty and my heart was pounding as I made my way to his office? Why do I feel like a child summoned to the principal’s office. I’m too old for this.

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