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Mina's POV

Five days later and no communication from Adam. Does it really take that long to get a new case agent? At this point, I don't even mind Melissa. I'd rather handle her than handle this anxiety. The wait is killing me. They should hurry up before I chicken out again. Not that I'm planning to, but my bravery is not something I can consistently count on.

Tetura's Facebook page is still quiet. All my messages to her have not been responded to. I pray for her every morning. I know God still hears me. I'm not giving up. I keep imagining that one day she will show up at my doorstep and say tadah. I know it's my wishes going into hyperdrive but still, a girl can hope right?

Nengi is excited about her admission and they have already applied to get a visa. I hope her interview date is at least a month away. The ring should not be existing by then. I found myself slightly wishing her visa application will be denied when she goes for the interview. How cruel of me, I know, but it will give her zero chances of being trafficked.

Maybe I should just tell the truth and save everyone the trouble.

No, I just need to work with the FBI to take down the ring and we're fine. I wish they'd act faster though, for everyone's sake. I had called Adam on Tuesday morning when I remembered he didn't save my number on his phone. Maybe he was waiting for my call. The call went to voicemail, so I dropped a message. I got no response, so I went about my normal small-town life and tried not to worry.

I told Luke about my plans to work with the FBI and he praised me for doing the right thing. He said I am the bravest girl he'd ever met. It's all flatteries and some Dr. Phil shit, but it felt good to have his support.

At the diner, Violet informed Matt and Eve about her family road trip. They left yesterday by the way. Matt seemed okay with the news, maybe he's trying to play it cool, I don't know. Eve joked about needing to hire more people. She has no choice though. Very soon, Matt will be off to college and it will be just two of us. Eve's corner has grown tremendously over the last couple of months. I doubt just the two of us can handle it now, especially since I don't have excellent cooking skills. Besides, I don't know what will happen after the ring is busted and I retrieve my passport. I know I will try to find my feet again, do what I came here to do. Get into a university and study.

"So good news". Eve announced as she strolled into the diner. "I'm just coming from the town hall meeting"

"You won the bid" Matt said excitedly. We were at the counter just being bored before she came in.

"No, Crunchies did" she replied offhandedly.

"oh, I'm so sorry" I said

"I'm sure they rigged it" Matt said with certainty

"No they didn't. They were just better equipped to handle it given their expertise and staff strength." Eve corrected. She beamed at us happily and I wondered why she was so happy about losing a business deal.

"However, I got a deal to host a luncheon for the mayor. It's not as big as the townhall event but it's high-class and even more sophisticated. This is the opening we need. The CEOs of those companies prospecting to come here will be there. We pull this off perfectly and we're made" Her smile had gotten even wider as she spoke.

"We're gonna be blown" I said, catching her excitement. "we'd need more staff though"

"Yeah, Sam wants a holiday job" Matt supplied. "He can...wait tables"

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