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Adam's POV

The raven!

There are a lot of raven tattoos out there, but I know the raven when I see it. The way its head is cocked at that domineering angle, the inward curve of the tip of its beak, the three little dots that extended from the left foot claws. I always thought it was eerie how every tattoo of the raven looked exactly alike. Tooki was extremely good at his art. He has been the ring's tattoo artist for years. The raven was perfectly crafted, beautiful even, until you had the misfortune of knowing what it represents. Very few people knew the underlying meaning behind it and the true identity of it's bearer.

There were some copycats who probably glimpsed the tattoo on one of the ring girls and thought they should get one because it looked cool. It was never the same as Tooki's but still I had to be sure. The only thing worse than identifying a raven was identifying the wrong one. That was why I said the hunter and fisher phrase to Mina. I could see it in her eyes, her face, her entire body language, she was terrified that I had made her out. Who wouldn't?

That was all the confirmation I needed to make the call. Ziglar said he would send someone down and I was to keep an eye on her, but I didn't plan to be around when shit goes down. I was not exactly an upstanding citizen of twinhills in the past so I didn't want any fingers pointing in my direction if things didn't go as planned. I went to Merton and began some odd jobs to get money. The factory in Twinhills needed workers, but I saw the judgmental looks people in town gave me. I knew many of them were talking behind my back. Good thing they were too scared to say it to my face. It was only a matter of time though if I hung around, and I might just end up knocking someone's teeth off and get another record. I needed to make good money but with my criminal records, getting a real job was almost impossible. Legal jobs were a pain in the ass, but I'd rather be stuck with that.

Ziglar told me that I will be contacted by the handler when they had Mina. That happened to be today. As soon as I got the text, I drove down to the rendezvous point...a cabin in the woods about 15 minutes from Twinhills. Good thing, my mom didn't sell my old car which was a gift from my dad on my sixteenth birthday. Just a little work was what it needed to be up and running.

The cabin was situated a little off a narrow road which branched off the highway. It was almost hidden and looked deserted, but I saw the car in the driveway which I presumed was the handler's. I parked behind it and climbed up the porch to the door. I knocked and waited. The door swung open and I stared at the person in front of me.

''they sent you?'' I asked in dismay. ''Of all the agents in the bureau, they sent you''

''Hello Adam'' she smirked as she turned and walked back in. ''shut the door and make yourself comfortable''.

I stepped in and pushed the door with my foot then bolted it. ''What are you doing here Melissa?'' I looked at her, feeling my ire rise as she nonchalantly propped her feet on the coffee table and yawned lazily.

''I'm doing my job Adam. And as my informant..''

''I'm not anymore.'' I cut her off, stepping into the room.

''Well the bureau doesn't think that. It was nice of you to reach out after all this time...''

''Trust me, I didn't want to. Who owns this place?" I asked looking around.

"I believe it belongs to a Mr. Simmons. He only comes here with his wife during spring, so we'd be fine.'' she said casually, like she didn't just break into someone's private property.

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