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3 weeks later.

I feel like a citizen of Twinhills now.

Okay, that's me exaggerating, but I don’t feel so much like a stranger anymore.

Its a beautiful sunny Wednesday morning here in Twinhills, and I think the weather rubbed off on me. I handed Mrs Moore her order and cheerily told her to have a great day. She gave me one of her dazzling smiles and walked out. Mrs Moore was one of the customers who frequently visited the diner. Luckily for us, a lot of people thought that Crunchies restaurant was too formal and stuck-up for them. So, they kept coming here. Most of the town locals were nice and cordial. There was the exception of a few who were indifferent or just bitchy, like Olivia and friends. Yes, she still gave me the side-eye whenever we crossed paths in the school building, which made me wonder if she knew Luke and I were sleeping together. I doubt it though. She didn’t seem like the type to let her man go without a fight…a dirty fight. I hope she doesn’t find out. I don’t want any drama. She already hates me.

I feel a little guilty whenever I see her but I convinced myself that my arrangement with Luke is just for a while. Once I have enough money to rent an apartment, I will move out. I don’t think I want to be a side-piece forever no matter how hot the guy is.

I went looking at some apartments, including the one in which I had slept under the staircase on my first night. Average cost of rent for a month was about $1000. If I increase my savings, I should be able to afford that in a couple of months…but then what about other necessities, toiletries, clothes, shoes. I had bought myself two new pairs of shoes, and just like that $100 was gone. I needed it though. My ballerina-like shoes were so worn out that I hid them whenever Luke came over. Two pairs of sexy underwear and another $50 was gone.

Part of me wondered why I was spending money for his viewing pleasure. He should be the one funding that. But I couldn’t bring myself to ask him for more. He’d done a lot for me already. In the last few weeks I moved to a fully renovated caravan. It had a bigger more comfortable bed although, I figured that was more for Luke’s benefit than mine. The curtains were new and covered the windows properly. The floorboards didn’t creak, and oh the best part, there was a water heater in the bathroom. I didn’t have to heat water on the gas anymore. It was so relieving to have the hot water run down my body instead of bending down to scoop the water from a bucket. The thought of asking Luke for money just made me feel... like a prostitute. Which is stupid because I am a prostitute.

I was a prostitute. An inner voice corrected.

True. I didn’t choose to be a prostitute. I got out because I didn’t want to live like that. I’m different now. Even through I only upgraded to a side-piece, I'm different.

Same thing. Once a prostitute, always a prostitute.

I ignored the voice and went about my duties. Sometimes, when I am alone, thoughts like that will creep up on me and I will begin to feel completely worthless and useless. I learned to tune out the voice but it never completely went away.

Another emotion I learned to contain was fear. I haven’t had a nightmare in a while and I feel a lot safer. Plus some staff of crunchies have moved in, so the caravans are not lonely or spooky anymore. I figured it was that nightmare at the sleepover that evoked my fear. After all, I didn’t have any real reason to be afraid. I was miles away from LA, in a town where no one knew me or cared about my past. No one pried into my life and for that I was grateful. I just wanted to leave all the memories behind. A couple of times, Eve asked if my dad had been in touch, but she never pressed me to talk about anything. She was just being her kind and caring self. Sometimes I wish I had a mom like her. Adam was lucky.

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