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Mina's POV

And so, I invited myself to Eve's house for dinner that Sunday evening. It'd been a long time since I had been over, and they were happy to have me. I missed having dinner with them too, but that's not why I came. I have one goal - to speak with Adam.

As to how much success I've had in achieving my goal since I arrived, I'd say 5%. The man acts like he barely knows me, which I know is supposed to be the case as far as the rest of the family is concerned, but come on, don't act like I'm not even here. At least look in my direction every now and then so I can give you the 'we need to talk' look.

I'm not even sure how to do the look. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Pass me the greens" Matt said.

I picked up the bowl close to me and passed it to him. The fact that he actually likes vegetables, he's every parent's dream child. Matt was sitting opposite me and adjacent to Adam on the round table. The sisters were sitting to my right and left.

As Matt collected the bowl, I caught him looking at me with a weird smirk on his face. I furrowed my brows in confusion. He looked to Adam who was devouring his food and then back at me. I finally got it. He must have caught the glances I was sneaking in Adam's direction. Now, he really thinks I'm smitten. I am so not, I told him with a roll of my eyes.

"I heard there will be a town hall meeting next week." I said, because my mouth is my bail-out in awkward situations.

"Mae looked up. "yes I heard that too. It's going to be a big one. Some new companies are coming into town and want to interact with the mayor and town locals. I heard there will be food too, and guess what, the slot for catering is open for bidding to all"

"say that again?" Eve said perking up. "I heard they gave it to Crunchies."

"Someone accused the mayor of not being supportive to local businesses, so everyone has a free shot now."

"You should bid for it" Matt told Eve.

"It's a big one. You sure Eve's corner can handle it?" Adam said, finally deciding to speak. "this town is like what, 1500 people? And more people are coming from out of town too. It's a lot"

"It's not like everyone will be there. Just maybe 10 percent of the town's population, mostly the elites and a few working-class." Eve said "And FYI, Eve's corner can handle it. We are good at what we do"

"I know mom. You and your two staff" Adam said with a slight grin before his eyes met mine for the first time that evening.

This was my chance to give him the 'we need to talk' look, but I still had no idea how to do it.

"Three" Eve corrected, smiling back. "And they're miracle workers too"

"You're not counting Violet in are you?" Matt asked incredulously. "She can barely knead dough"

She wouldn't even be around I thought, but it wasn't my news to break.

"you can always hire more staff just for the event" I suggested. "A lot of high school students are looking for some little cash here and there"

Eve nodded. "I might do just that. So how do we win the slot?"

We talked about the event for the rest of the evening. Town meetings weren't uncommon here, but catering to so many people was. I really doubt we could handle it, but if Eve thinks we can, then we can. It will require a hands-on approach and a lot of work.

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