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Journal entry

I want to hide my shame, my pain my tears. Bury all those sad memories, forget them and pretend like they never existed.

But if I don't tell anyone of my battles, how will the know of my victories?

Mina's POV.

Papa returned from the village yesterday. I just got off a video call with him and Tekena. While I was happy to see him happy and well, I wish he'd have stayed a little longer. Schools hadn't even resumed yet. I think he got bored with fishing, and didn't have much to do on the farms since it was not planting season.

Tekena got an admission offer into the university of Port Harcourt, and will begin next semester. He said he's learning more at the IT firm and is only going for the certificate. Okay bro, so long as you're going. He also plans to take care of the fees himself. I'm super proud of him

I got a beep indicating a whatsapp message.

Nengi: Sis, how far? Any positive news?

Sadly, there wasn't. Out of 5 applications we made, only one school offered her an admission and it was without a scholarship. I had expected at least three admission offers with scholarships I don't know what I did wrong. Maybe I should have put in a lot more applications. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

Me: Not yet, but we're on it. How u dey?

Nengi: 😎😎

I laughed at her emoji because I understood it the story behind it. One Christmas when I was about 9 and Nengi was 8, we were trying to act cool and took some pictures wearing aunty Boma's sunglasses. They were oversized and we ended up looking more like termites than cool babes. So cool had a whole different meaning for us.

I got hungry so I began making pancakes. I'm in love with pancakes now, don't ask me why. 30 minutes later, I had my pancakes, eggs, sausages and coffee laid out on the table. I sat at the table with a sense of pride and bent my head to say grace.

The doorbell rang.

Now who was interrupting my breakfast on this solemn Sunday? I scooped a spoonful of eggs into my mouth, then went to answer the door.

"Violet" I munched out in surprise. "what are you doing here?"

"Mass was boring, home is boring, this town is boring." she whined as she breezed past me. She was still wearing her church clothes, a fuchia pink knee-length gown and high heeled shoes. I feel like a sinner in my house robe and teddy slides. She went into the kitchen, looked at the food on the table and back at me.

"Is lover boy here?" she whispered.

I smiled. "No Vie, Luke's not here. I made that all by myself."

"Let me guess, you didn't you make the other one?'

"No. Luke did." I confessed.

"Well, I hope yours tastes as good as his, because..." she said sitting down at the table.

"And what makes you think you're eating?" I asked giving her a mean look.

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