His sister accuses you of stealing - part 2

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Your eyes went wide, you bit your inner cheek, hard. Although, you and Garcia didn't have a pleasant vibe, you didn't desire Michele to completely lose it with her. She was his sister and he shouldn't allow himself to aggravate their relationship, nor the none existent relationship in between Garcia and you.

"What the fuck is your problem?" you heard Michele's harsh tone. He stood, inches away from her face. His breathing was heavy, you felt yourself disappear into the wall behind you. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he added through gritted teeth. Garcia stood, with her mouth wide open, her eyes filled with tears.

"How can you believe her?" she desperately shouted "she's full of shit" she added, her voice filled with poison.

You sighed, heavily, as you closed your eyes for a brief second. You couldn't believe the scene, that was playing out in front of you. The man of your dreams, furious, barking at his sister. His sister, with her mouth agape, shouting downgrading nonsense. You desired to have a connection, a bond, with Garcia. Your intentions were pure, from the beginning of your and Michele's story but Garcia had other plans.

Michele's gaze was filled with pure rage, he was on the edge, one word from Garcia and he was done with her, completely fed up. You took a few steps, gently approaching Michele. You slowly laid your hand on his tensed shoulder.

"Michele" you stated, your voice wasn't as soft as it usually was. It held an authority, a hint of power. "Let's go". Michele didn't react, he was too busy glaring at Garcia, with his dark orbs.

"No" he gritted out "we aren't finished here, me and Garcia" his voice was low, but yet rather  intimidating. 

"You are finished Michele, it's not worth making a fuss out of it. I didn't steal the bracelet, it's up to Garcia whether she decides to believe me, or not" you explained, you didn't want to stand with your mouth shut and your back pressed against a wall. You desired to reason, to explain and calm the situation, cause it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth their relationship. 

"The hoe can talk, how fun" Garcia spat, her gaze was deeply focused on you. You stared back, with emotionless eyes. Pretend, it was all about pretending. Your mission was to make Garcia believe, that she didn't make an impact on you. Even though, every word passing her lips, directly went to your heart. 

"Enough" Michele bellowed as his large hand harshly grabbed her face, Garcia yelped, he drew her closer to him. His breath was fanning on her face, his eyes had turned into a dark shade. She had crossed his line. "I have had enough of your bullshit" he angrily added. "Go ahead and be a bitch, to everyone, as you already are, but don't you fucking approach Y/N" his grip strengthened as he whispered "you're the dirt under her heels" 

Your jaw dropped, you had never heard Michele speak to anyone as he spoke to Garcia. Tears dropped down Garcia's caked face. Michele couldn't care less, he shook his head in anger. "If you have any humanity left within you, you will apologise" he spoke. He gave her a last glance, a look of disappointment, pain and anger, before he turned around. 

"Let's go" he curtly said, before turning his back to the rest of the family, who were intensely observing the scene playing out, in front of them without saying a word. On Michele's command, you followed him out of the home of Garcia. 

The two of you sat in the car, a thick silence had spread itself in the vehicle. You had a lot to say, but you didn't know where to begin. You were overwhelmed with emotions. Pain, anger, hurt and injustice were only a few of them. Michele was speeding, taking his anger out while driving, which was typical for him. 

"You'll get us killed" you said, the irritation was evident in your tone. Michele sighed as he slowed down, a little. 

"You know what?" he finally spoke "screw bloody Garcia. I don't give a fuck about her or the shit she says, neither should you." he added. "You're worth all the love in the world, and next time, listen to yourself and spend time with people who actually offer you something, as good energy and love" you laid your hand on his thigh as a smile crept itself onto your face. The strong feeling of love empowered you. 

"I love you" 

Good evening darlings! I am constantly overwhelmed by the kind words you guys leave in the comment section. I read every single comment, thank you. I hope you'll enjoy the final part of this imagination. I will do my best to update more frequently. I love writing, it calms me down and makes me stress less. 

However, it would be interesting to know which country you guys are reading this book from. I am from Sweden, which means English isn't my first language, hehe. Update me, which country are you from? 

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