You and Michele adopt a child - part 2.

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As soon as Emilio's doe eyes land on you and Michele he takes a step back and hides behind Angelo's legs. You give Michele a look which indicates a painful amount of sadness. Michele squeezes your hand while he nods his head. Michele lets go of your hand and slowly squats down in order to be able to come off as a "smaller" person to Emilio. Michele is a tall man, the thought of portraying himself as a monster to his potential son makes him cringe. 

"Ciao Emilio" Michele softly says as he awaits Emilio's attention, he plasters a smile on his face in order to send off a warm and friendly vibe. 

"Emilio, this is Michele and the woman behind him is Y/N" Angelo properly introduces the two of you to Emilio. Emilio, being two years old probably doesn't understand much. Michele sticks his tongue out as an attempt to relax Emilio. To your surprise Emilio cracks a toothy smile and sticks his tongue out as well. 

"Looks like you're a little jokester" Michele comments as Angelo takes a step to the side, exposing Emilio to the two of you. 

"Would you want to go to the park with us?" Michele asks while he gently places his tattooed hand on Emilio's tiny head to ruffle his brown hair. 

"Park" Emilio repeats as his eyes stay connected to Michele's dark orbs. The whole scenario playing off in front of you brings tears to your eyes. This little boy was the missing piece, you could feel it with your whole being. 

"Emilio, you are going home with Michele and Y/N" Angelo cuts of the beautiful moment between Michele and Emilio. It felt too rapid to bring him home. Emilio had just met the two of you. 

"He just met us, Angelo. He doesn't feel secure with us and he definitely doesn't trust us" you say as a protest to Angelo's previous words. 

"Y/N, he will eventually. You will provide him a home, it's not like he's excited to be in this orphanage either" Angelo explains and you simply nod. 

"Where are his things? I can go and collect them" you say, Angelo shakes his head. 

"He doesn't have any belongings, Y/N." Angelo mutters and you feel your heart tighten. No parents and no belongings. Some children are unprivileged by all means, while others have everything.

"Let's go, shall we?" Michele cuts off the conversation as he picks up Emilio. Emilio doesn't protest, he wraps his tiny arms around Michele's neck. 

"Michele, we need to do some shopping for this young man" you say, Michele responds with a wide pearly white smile. 

"Of course, but first ice cream and some playing in the park" Michele says as the three of you head towards the car. 

A month had passed since Emilio moved in to your home. He was definitely the missing piece in your heart. Emilio is a playful little jokester who loves to make people smile. He is the child who waves at strangers and makes their days. You expected him to be difficult due to his young age, to cry and hate the home the two of you provided but he was doing the exact opposite. He was an angel. You would read him fairytales every night, he would gently lay his head on your chest and snuggle against your neck. Michele would join you by sitting at the end of his bed. He would carefully snap a photo or two. When Emilio's breathing eventually became heavier you would lay him down. 

"He's perfect" Michele wraps his arms around you as a response to your statement. 

"He is, tesoro. We are a famiglia and I couldn't be more grateful for you, for Emilio and for us" Michele says as he presses a soft kiss to your lips, with that being said you lay your head against Michele's loving chest and close your eyes. 

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