Michele scares you during a fight - part 2.

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The dinner passed by smoothly, both of you pretended as if nothing had happened moments earlier. You had forced a smile onto your face, your laughter was pushed and you were doing your best to control the burning rage inside of you. Michele attempted to be loving in front of his parents but you were aware of the fact that he was burning inside as well. His parents were excited for the arrival of their first grandchild. His mother had brought dinner and dessert, you were thankful for her effort. After the dinner you had to excuse yourself because of the nausea that hit you. Michele didn't budge, he accompanied his parents while you were vomiting. The thoughts that kept playing in your head were all questioning your previous whereabouts. In the heat of the moment you promised yourself that you were never going to have unprotected sexual intercourses with anyone. When you returned to the dinner table you were attacked with loads of questions and suggestions. You were definitely not in the mood to hear any advice regarding your nausea, you were aware of the fact that you had to contact your doctor as soon as possible. 

As soon as Michele's parents left you went to bed, you didn't have an ounce of energy left. You thanked higher powers that you didn't have to go to work for the next two days. Michele was loading the dishwasher in the kitchen, you didn't offer to help. Since his parents left, the two of you hadn't exchanged any words. There was a tension building up and you didn't prevent it from happening. For the first time in your life, you were expecting a harsh slap to land on your cheek. Michele had scared you, you were hurt by his actions. The way he pushed you up against the wall, the way his eyes darkened made your stomach turn. You were carrying his creation, you expected him to be more understanding regarding your wellbeing and your hormones. His heavy footsteps approaching the bedroom interrupted your thoughts. You were glancing at him as he took off his black shirt. His dark orbs stared back at you, you could tell that he was upset. He took off his pants, now only wearing his boxers as he laid next to you in the kingsized bed. 

"I scared you mi amore" he whispered, both of you were laying onto your backs. His eyes avoided yours, as yours avoided his. 

"You did" you curtly responded. There was a silent moment between the two of you, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of your breathing. 

"I'm sorry for scaring you" he began, he took a break by sighing heavily before adding "but I don't tolerate disrespect, I require respect Y/N." 

"You disrespected me, in this state. You know that I feel shitty. I'm sleeping and throwing up, all the bloody time. I didn't feel like hanging out with anyone this evening" you explained, trying to keep yourself collected even though your hormones were all over the place. Tears were threatening to spill as you bit your lip. 

"You could have spoken with respect, which you didn't. I respect you and help you, all the time Y/N. I don't appreciate you being this unfair" you felt the anger rise within you, this argumentation wasn't making things better between the two of you. 

"I don't appreciate you pushing me up against a wall while carrying your child" you quickly fired back. Michele gave you a harsh look, he bit the inside of his cheek to prevent him from uttering something unnecessary. "and as icing on the cake you swiftly move, which makes me think that you're about to hit me" you angrily added. 

"Jesus Christ" Michele muttered angrily. He covered his face with his hands, mumbling something inaudible. You avoided his gaze, because you knew that he was angry. He was on the verge of loosing his cool. You ignored his previous statement and kept scrolling through Instagram when you felt the phone being ripped away from your hand. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" you burst out, Michele's actions shocked you. 

"Don't act like a fucking child. We are going to discuss and solve this bullshit" he barked as you stood to your feet. 

"How are we supposed to solve it when we aren't on the same page?" you bitterly questioned. Michele was intensively staring at you as you placed both of your hands on your sides. He was frantically chewing the gum in his mouth, which was attractive in some twisted way. Michele combined with anger was a turn on, but the timing was terrible. You tried to ignore your own thoughts, your dirty thoughts. 

"I apologise for scaring you, I didn't mean to be harsh. There won't be a next time, I give you my word. I, however expect an apology from you regarding the disrespectful comments" you took a deep breath while taking in every word that left his lips. You weren't too fond of apologising, even though you knew that your comments had hurt Michele. Your intention wasn't to offend him, you were speaking your mind. 

"I didn't mean to come off as disrespectful and I apologise if I offended you" you quickly rambled, in order to get it over and done with. Michele carefully stood to his feet and took a few steps towards you. He offered you a small smile, both of you were heavily breathing. He gently wrapped his strong arms around your body. He rubbed your bump and whispered "I love you" in your ear. 

"I love you too" you lovingly replied as Michele leaned in to kiss you. 

Thank you guys for reading this book. I appreciate every single one of you. Thank you for the encouraging comments, they mean the world to me. 

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