His son doesn't like you.

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Even though you and Michele had been a couple for two years he would always keep his children secured from your relationship. You would spend time together with Michele when his children weren't there. You were aware of his past and his fear of commitment, therefore you didn't want to push him into anything that he wasn't comfortable with. His previous marriage was far from perfect, he had struggled to receive a shared custody with his ex-spouse. The boys stayed with him every two weeks and it worked for them as a family. You had met the boys once before, it was rather interesting seeing Michele as a father. He was responsible, very loving and caring. The hang out was, on the other hand very awkward. The boys rarely acknowledged you, especially Marcudo - also known as Marcus. You understood the fact that he was a teenager and that you weren't of any interest. He had his mother and you would never want to replace her, in any way. Your desire was to establish a friendly relationship where all four of you could hang out. Michele wasn't the happiest man on earth when you told him you felt awkward during the hang out. You couldn't help it, the boys ignored you during the whole time. You asked a ton of questions but the answers were either none existent or short. 

You had accidentally confused the dates. You thought that Michele had the week off, without the boys. For some odd reason you didn't call Michele before paying him a visit. Your intention was obviously not to destroy their evening, you honestly had no clue that the boys were at Michele's place. As you unlocked the door and took a step into the apartment you heard laughter from the living room. Confusion was written all over your face as you were slowly approaching the living room, only to be met with the sight of Michele and the boys playing Fifa. It was adorable and sexy, at the same time. Suddenly the laughter died down and the gazes were now facing you. You stood there, as a deer caught in the headlights. Michele pulled a hand through his thick hair as he stood up from the couch, almost disappointed to see you. 

"I'm sorry to disturb, I must have confused the dates" you attempted to break the awkward silence. Marcus rolled his eyes and dropped the controller on the table. 

"Thanks for interrupting" Marcus spat at you. Shock was your initial reaction as you took a step back. 

"I'm so sorry you guys. I didn't mean to interrupt" you softly explained. Michele was quietly observing the situation. 

"Well you did. Don't you always have to interrupt everything with your annoying calls or presence" Marcus cockily replied. You were indirectly expecting Michele to step in and demand him to speak with respect, but he didn't. 

"I'm about to show myself out" you quietly mumbled as you made your way out of the apartment. You felt Michele's presence behind you, he was watching you with sad eyes. Michele was in a difficult position between his lover and his son. The two of you were quietly staring at each other. Your thoughts were running wild but you couldn't form a sentence. You patiently waited for him to speak. He bit his lip and closed his eyes for a second. 

"He doesn't like you" Michele stated, you sighed heavily. 

"No shit" you sarcastically replied as your hand went through your hair. This was definitely an obstacle. 

"He thinks you're a bitch" Michele quietly mumbled and you couldn't believe your ears. 

"Based on what? He has never spoken to me" you questioned, the whole situation was odd. 

"He must have overheard us argue" Michele said, you gently shut your eyelids. "he created this picture of you as an evil stepmother" you shook your head. 

"My goal is not to become his stepmother, my desire is to establish a somewhat friendly relationship. It occurs to be difficult because you don't let me spend time with them and he literally hasn't uttered a word, before his outburst earlier" you ranted. You were upset, the feeling of being misunderstood was killing you. 

"I understand tesoro. I really do. He is a teenager, every change affects him. If you think that I won't scold him for his disrespectful behaviour earlier - you're wrong" Michele reassured you, his hand gently cupped your face. 

"I would like to spend more time with them Michele. They are a huge part of you and I want you, I want us" you said, the emotions were getting the best of you. You felt a tear run down your cheek. Michele softly wiped the tear away from your face. 

"I want to apologise for being this slow with it all. I promise that we'll spend more time together. I want you to spend the night here" he announced and you couldn't register the words that came out of his mouth. 

"What? It's fine, they aren't comfortable with me Michele" you tried to persuade him. 

"How can they be comfortable with you when I haven't let you guys hang out and get to know each other properly" Michele replied with a grin. Michele intertwined your fingers with his as the two of you went back to the living room. 

"What the fuck is she doing here again?" Marcus angrily shouted. His brother, Brado took a step away from him due to his outburst. 

"Ey! Basta. I'm done with your language" Michele strictly scolded. You bit your lip, it was an awkward position to be in. "Y/N is staying the night with us. We're ordering pizza for dinner." Michele announced. Marcus looked at him in disbelief. 

"I'm not eating if she's staying" Marcus threatened, you were about to open your mouth in order to convince Michele that it was a bad idea to stay.

"Then you'll have to starve son, because she's here to stay" Michele's words went straight to your heart, you felt it skip a beat. 

"Could we play Monopoly while eating pizza?" Brado suggested to everyone's surprise and so it began. Monopoly and pizza. With some convincing from Michele, Marcus joined. A bit moody in the beginning and relaxed at the end of the night. Maybe it wasn't too late to fullfill your desire to establish a friendly relationship. 

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