He catches your daughter smoking.

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You were carefully turning the pages filled with pictures in the photo book. The pictures created a good amount of nostalgia. Emiliana, your "little girl"  was obviously not so little anymore. Your eyes were slowly watering as you came across Emiliana's first photo, straight out of the womb. A smile spread across your face as you remembered her tiny little face. She was a hairy baby, Michele's genes were definitely strong. She was a spitting image of her father. Her eyes were mesmerizing, they took your breath away. 

 The fact that she was in her room, preparing herself for her first party ever, was difficult to understand. Michele wasn't too fond of the idea of letting her attend the party, she would always be his baby girl and he was overprotective. You on the other hand, wanted her to spread her wings and enjoy her teenage years. Michele was clearly against it, she was pestering him about the party for months until he finally gave in, due to your persuasive side. He specifically told Emiliana:  "Thank your mother for the trust that she has in you, I would have never let you go if it wasn't for her". He also made sure to explain the rules to her, he expected her to be home no later than 11 pm, no alcohol and no smoking. The smoking part was hypocritical since Michele consumed two packets of cigarettes a day, but he couldn't care less. The rules were there to follow. 

You and Michele sat in the living room drinking espresso when you heard the sound of heels. Your attention was directed to your beautiful fifteen year old daughter. Her long dark hair was curled to perfection, her make up was stunningly applied and her outfit was on fleek. The tight black glittery dress was hugging her curves, her cleavage was revealing and the dress was short. Her outfit didn't bother you at all, she was young and she had every right to show her beauty off. Michele had another opinion, based on the way he almost choked on his espresso. His brown orbs almost plopped out of his skull. 

"Change" he strictly stated. Emiliana's gaze dropped to the floor as Michele's eyes were burning into her. 

"But dad-" she tried but Michele immediately cut her off.

"Change, I don't want you to look like a puttana" Michele loudly barked. You shook your head in disapproval. 

"Let her wear whatever she wants, those primitive days have passed. My god" you defended Emiliana. She shot you a thankful smile as she turned to her father. 

"Please don't make me change, I really dig this outfit" she pleaded while Michele lit his cigarette. His irritation was evident, he was most likely burning on the inside. 

"You're once again lucky as fuck" he said through gritted teeth as his attention landed on you "your madre has your back" he added. He then turned his attention to the newspaper, which meant that the conversation was over. 

To think that Michele would let Emiliana off the hook that easily was naive. He thought that it was necessary to drive past the party in order to see if everything was fine. You obviously thought that he was out of his mind, but you had already stepped on his authority too many times lately. As he was driving towards the location an old song began playing on the radio. Michele immediately turned the volume up and the two of you sang along, it almost felt as if you were a teenager again. The feeling was refreshing. The refreshing feeling faded away when you heard Michele's deep voice curse. 

"Figlio di puttana" he swore as he hit the brakes and jumped out of the car. To say that you were confused was a fact, you followed him as he approached a group of teenage girls. 

"Emiliana fucking Morrone. Are you smoking?" you heard Michele yell. He went from zero to hundred quickly and you totally understood him when your eyes registered the situation you were facing. Emiliana was holding a cigarette to her lips, she almost choked on the smoke when she heard Michele's voice. 

"Oh my god ..." you mumbled as Michele took the cigarette away from Emiliana. He stomped on it against the ground. Without uttering a word he grabbed her arm harshly as pulled her to the car. You felt your stomach tighten. She would be grounded, forever. Michele isn't a "forgive and forget" person. She fucked it up, badly. 

"Why are you so angry? You're smoking yourself!" Emiliana said as she tried to get out of his grip, which failed. His grip was made out of steel. 

"If I would jump off a fucking cliff, would you jump as well?" he spat back as he opened the door for her. You noticed Emiliana roll her eyes, thankfully it slipped past Michele otherwise he would make sure to point it out. 

"You're smoking yourself, you can't be angry at me" she tried to defend herself. 

"It still doesn't mean that I want you or Emilio to smoke. You broke a rule which gives me every goddamn right to be angry" Michele strictly responded. 

"I can't even party like a normal teenager, you have to destroy everything" Emiliana complained. 

"Quit it with your sob story, I'm not buying it. You're fifteen for heaven's sake, there's plenty of time for partying." Michele said as he parked the car. Emiliana was the first one to get out, she made sure to slam the door. 

"Ey!" Michele barked as he strode after her. He caught up with her, her grabbed her arm once again in order to make her stay in place. 

"Listen, you don't just go around and break the rules we set up. I definitely don't approve of that attitude of yours, it stops now. I want your phone for now, we'll discuss further consequences in the morning." Michele strictly explained. Emiliana rolled her eyes and sighed heavily before placing the phone in Michele's hand. Moments later the door was slammed shut. 


Puttana - whore

Figlio di puttana - son of a bitch 

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