Your daughter has an attitude

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Dear readers, thank you so much for reading! I haven't been able to update as often as I desire to due to work. Thank you for patiently waiting for updates. Lots of love. 

Emiliana, was in a rather difficult stage. She was questioning everything, literally every single thing. As soon as you asked her a question, she would roll her eyes, curse under her breath and ignore you. It was challenging to understand her, she used to be a very calm child. People usually described her as angelic, she went from being an angel to a devil - overnight. She had developed a dramatic side, she enjoyed pushing you to the edge. You did your best to deal with her, you didn't attempt to be too strict. You did your best to stay calm, you tried to reason with her but it usually ended with her slamming the door in your face. Her behaviour was getting out of hand, it pained you because you were loosing control. She was no longer a child, she had grown into a teenager - an overly dramatic disrespectful brat. 

Where was Michele? During Emiliana's early teenage years Michele was drowning in work. It was going extremely good for him and you didn't want to bother him with Emiliana's reckless behaviour. Michele was living his dream, he was highly requested and his worth was increasing. You weren't asking for his help, somewhere deep down you wished that he would notice your struggles with Emiliana, but he didn't. Emiliana would make sure to be on her best behaviour in front of her father, she would be joking with him around the dinner table. All of a sudden, questions weren't bothering her. She was gladly answering Michele's questions and it angered you. She wasn't showing her true colors. Michele was a man of respect, he would never allow her to be disrespectful, in front of him. He wasn't afraid of telling her off, or being strict. 

Recently Michele had been home more often. He was slowly but surely discovering her bratty behaviour, which he didn't appreciate at all. He questioned you, if you had seen the same tendencies as him - which you obviously had. You had been dealing with her on your own for too long and it wasn't going too great. You needed his help and this time, he saw you struggling. He was disappointed because of his lack of commitment, he definitely thought that it was time to step up and be a father. You were in a desperate need of a supportive husband and Emiliana needed a father to set the rules straight. 

"Emiliana, I've told you to get out of bed too many times by now" you scolded as you entered her room. You pulled up the blinds, allowing the rays of sun to fill the room with brightness. Emiliana pulled the blanked across her face, you could hear her curse under her breath. She was impossible, you were on the verge of exploding. You had been bottling up the anger for too long. 

"Get out of my room" Emiliana angrily said, her voice was dripping with attitude. 

"If you get out of bed, I will get out of your room" you tiredly stated as your hands were on your waist. 

"Fuck no, get the fuck out of my room" Emiliana shouted, you took a deep breath in order to calm yourself. 

"Ey! What's going on in here?" you heard Michele's deep voice from behind. You exhaled the breath you were holding. Emiliana rolled her eyes at his question and harsh tone. 

"Don't you fucking roll your eyes at me" Michele's strict tone stated, his body had tensed. You couldn't help but find him sexy, his white shirt was unbuttoned. His pants were the only piece of clothing in place which made your heart race. Fucking hell - focus Y/N. 

"Don't tell me what to do" Emiliana sassily replied. Michele furrowed his eyebrows as he took an intimidating step closer to her. His fingers went for her chin, forcing her to meet his raging gaze. 

"Silenzio Emiliana Morrone" Michele's harsh voice barked "Don't you fucking talk back to me, show some respect". His fingers were still etched to her chin, his eyes were burning with rage. She was on thin ice. 

"I'll do whatever I want to, who the fuck are you?" Emiliana cockily questioned. 

"I advice you to keep your mouth shut, apologise to your mother and get dressed for school or so help me God I'm going to lose it" Michele angrily threatened her. 

"What are you going to do, huh?" Emiliana challenged him as she was staring at him. 

"Are you challenging me Emiliana?" Michele questioned as his hand went through his messy hair. "I'll advice you against it" he added. 

"You'll probably take my phone for a day and that's it" Emiliana's voice was provoking Michele to no end. Michele dryly laughed at the arrogant comments leaving her mouth. 

"As a matter of fact I'll take it for a month, I'll take your wallet and you won't be able to hang out with your friends for a long fucking time if this attitude doesn't change" Michele strictly ranted. 

"Oh I'm so scared" Emiliana sarcastically replied which drove Michele to the edge. He hastily grabbed the phone from her bedside table. His eyes were searching valuable items.  If she was ready to have an attitude, she should have been ready to face the consequences. He collected her laptop, the remote to the TV and her purse. 

"No what are you doing? Dad, come on give it back to me" Emiliana begged as Michele walked out of her room. She kept following him, begging and apologising. 

"Go to your fucking room, get dressed and go to school. We're going to discuss this further, as soon as you come home from school" Michele barked as he slammed the door shut, in her face. 

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