Chapter 20- Stirring up Trouble

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"Your really stupid do you know that!" Kelly says walking over with Casey
"The mans never been a firefighter! How does he get to make the calls! I don't want me or my men dying because of him!" Harper says as she walks away
"This is going to be fun" Casey says
"And it's up to us to make sure she doesn't get fired!" Kelly says
Harper is inside doing paperwork from the last call when Kelly appears next to her
"Don't get yourself fired" Kelly says rubbing her back
"I won't! My first stop after shift is commissioner Grissoms office!" Harper says looking at Kelly
"You've worked too hard to become a captain Harper! Don't throw it all away!" Kelly says giving her a kiss
"Can we keep it PG? Save that for later!" Gorsch says as he walks by
"You've got it!" Harper says sarcastically
"You've got it chief!" Gorsch says coming to a stop and facing Harper
"Sorry chief!" Harper says rolling her eyes As gorsch walks away
"I'm gonna shoot him! I swear to god!" Harper says
"Don't do it in public!" Kelly says as he smiles and walks away
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61, Warehouse fire, 65th street" The intercom says
They all run and jump into their trucks. Truck 81 is first to arrive on scene so that means that Harper is taking control. Minutes later squad and engine arrive followed by ambulance.
"It looks like a big one! So squad take 3rd floor, truck will take the second and engine will take the 1st floor! All companies will do a secondary search and after everyone is accounted for we will get engine in there! Let's go!" Harper shouts as she masks up
They all run in whilst gorsch stands there and watches.
"Hey gabby! I'm gonna need you to set up triage! We have multiple victims!" Harper says through the radio
"On it!" Gabby says
On the second floor there's a total of 14 victims. Harper sends 2 down with each of her men including her. When she gets out she hands off her victims to ambo
"Hey chief! That building isn't safe you need to call it!" Harper says
"I think we've got a few more minutes!" Gorsch says
"We don't!" Harper says
"I suggest you listen to me and get your ass back in there!" Gorsch shouts as everyone looks at him shocked
"Okay!" Harper says putting her hands up before running back in
She then runs back upstairs and notices the roof caving in
"All units! I repeat all units! Pull out Now!" Harper says through the radio
They all run out just as Harper gets out the building collapses.
"What the hell was that Bailey?" Gorsch says
"If you had kept us in there any longer then you would of had 3 companies dead! I made a call and I stand by that! And it's captain! Show me some damn respect!" Harper says walking away
Harper then arrives back at the firehouse and Gorsch gives her a death look
"Anything to say chief?" Harper says
"You gonna tell me to get my ass back into a building that's on the brink of collapsing?" Harper shouts as she walks away
Everyone then shakes their heads at Gorsch which makes him feel small. Shift is over and Harper heads straight to the commissioners office. She walks straight in
"Miss you can't!" The lady says but she's too late
"Harper!" Commissioner Grissom says
"Hey Gris!" Harper says sitting down
"What's up?" He asks
"Gorsch isn't working! He's coming out on calls with us which isn't his job and he's telling firefighters to go back into buildings that are going to collapse within minuets! We can't come to work like this!" Harper says
"I understand! I do! But he needs some experience!" Grissom says
"Just let Boden come back out on calls! I don't want 3 companies dying on his watch!" Harper says
"Okay! I'll do what I can!" Grissom says
"Thank you sir!" Harper says shaking his hand before walking out

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