Chapter 50- Dont you die on me!

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It's been a few weeks after the funeral and everyone is on shift. They get a call about a person injured so they send ambo and truck. When they arrive on the scene Harper quickly assess the situation and gives Dawson and Brett the all clear to come in.
"We're gonna go upstairs and look at where the gas is coming from!" Harper says
"Got it!" Dawson says starting to work on the victim
Harper heads upstairs with Herrmann and he finds another victim so he takes her outside. Harper is continuing to look when she comes across 3 gas canisters that could blow up at any second.
"Dawson, Brett! I want you out of here now!" Harper says through the radio
"Were not done treating the victim!" Dawson replies
"I don't care get out!" Harper shouts
"We're not leaving without the victim!" Dawson says before Brett runs out
"That's an order Dawson!" Harper shouts but Dawson doesn't move
Dawson continues to work on the victim and Harper can see a tiny fire forming just in front of the gas canisters. She turns around for one second until Boom! The building blows up. Harper is pushed backwards against a wall. She gets up and runs down Stairs
"Dawson!" Harper says finding Dawson buried under some rubble
Harper checks for a pulse but she can't fine one so she starts CPR
"Everything okay captain?" Herrmann asks through the radio
"Dawsons down! But none of you can come in here! It's too unstable!" Harper replies
"We're coming in Captain!" Herrmann says
"No your not! And if you do you will never set foot in a firehouse again!" Harper shouts
"Copy that!" Herrmann says through the radio
Harper continues to do CPR on Dawson
"Come on Gabby! Wake up!" Harper says still doing CPR
"I've already buried a firefighter this month! I'm not doing it again! Caroline and Miles need you!" Harper says
But Dawson still doesn't wake up...
The End!
*Authors Note*
I hope you enjoyed new blood one family 2! I left you all on a cliffhanger! Number 3 will be out tonight so make sure you keep a look out! I honestly can't thank you all enough for reading my books it means so much to me! Make sure you check out my other books if you enjoyed this one! Thank you Lauren!

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