Chapter 26- Out of Control

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It's later that night and Benny has agreed to watch the kids for Harper. She makes her way down to mollys and orders herself a drink. She sees Amelia come into mollys.
"Who the hell invited her?" Harper asks
"None of us" Herrmann says topping up Harper's glass
Amelia goes and sits down across from Kelly but he quickly gets up and sits next to Cruz at another table.
"Can you just slip a little bit of poison in her drink?" Harper asks
"Do you want my kids to eat? But I'll think about it!" Herrmann says laughing
Harper sits by her self for a while until Mouch comes and sits next to her. He puts his arm around her and pulls her into a hug
"I'm proud of you!" Mouch whispers
Harper just smiles and takes in the hug.
It's the next day and everyone is on shift. Matt got out of the hospital a few days ago so he has come to visit the firehouse. He has no idea what's happened.
"Hey guys!" Matt says as he walks in
"Casey!" Cruz says
"Who's this?" Matt says looking at Amelia
"Amelia Johns new candidate on truck 81!" Amelia says putting her hand out
"Ahh the best truck with the best captain" Casey says shaking Amelias hand
"Watch out Dawson! She might kiss your husband too!" Harper says before walking out
Harper then goes and sits in matts quarters and she hears a knock. She opens the door and it's Matt
"Tell me what happened" Matt says sitting down
Harper fills Matt in on everything and he comforts her. He then makes his way to Kelly's quarters
"You messed up big time" Matt says
"Not you too! I know i did" Kelly says
"Have you tried speaking to her?" Matt asks
"I've tried! But she won't let me! I love her Casey! She was the best thing that ever happened to me!" Kelly says
"And you ruined it?" Matt says
"No need to point out the obvious!" Kelly says putting his hands over his face
"Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Gas leak, 89th south street" the intercom says
They all run out and suit up. They arrive on scene and can see loads of people running out of a hotel.
"Okay 81! I want you all do a secondary search! Keep you masks on at all times! Johns your attached to Herrmanns hip you hear me?" Harper shouts
"Got it Captain!" Johns shouts
"Me and Severide will find we're the gas is coming from! Let's move people!" Harper shouts as she puts her mask on
Harper and Kelly run in and try and find out where the gas is coming from. They find out that it was a burst pipe and call in hazmat. They run out
"Herrmann! Where's Johns?" Harper asks
"She left my side and I haven't seen her since!" Herrmann says
"That girl!" Harper says putting her mask back on and running in
A minute or 2 later Johns comes running out
"Where the hell where you?" Kelly shouts
"I thought I heard someone?" Johns says with a attitude
"Bailey has just ran in there to find you with low air!" Kelly shouts as he masks up and runs in
"Let's hope she doesn't come out" Johns whispers
"Watch your mouth candidate!" Herrmann shouts
Kelly is inside looking for Harper
"Harper call out!" Kelly shouts
Harper then trips over something and Kelly catches her
"Johns is outside!" Kelly says
"I've ran out of air!" Harper says as she coughs
"Here take mine!" Kelly says
"No! I got myself into this mess! I'll get myself out!" Harper shouts
"Here let me help you!" Kelly says taking her hand
They manage to get out and Harper takes her mask off
"What part of stay glued to herrmanns hip don't you understand!" Harper shouts
"I thought I heard someone!" Amelia shouts
"Raise your voice one more time and I swear to god! You could of put firefighters at risk coming to look for you!" Harper shouts
"Well it was only you! And I think you deserve it!" Amelia shouts
"Watch your mouth Johns!" Kelly shouts
"Oh please why are you forgiving her? She went off on one at you because we kissed! Just get over her already! Be with me!" Amelia shouts
"She's my wife! I love her! And I'll never stop loving her!" Kelly says
"Get in the truck 81! I can't handle this today!" Harper shouts as she gets in the truck

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