Chapter 25- Fighting like cats and dogs

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"Harper wait!" Kelly says running after her
"Don't bother Kelly!" Harper says whilst sobbing
Everyone notices Harper and Kelly fighting and they all listen in
"It's not what it looks like!" Kelly says grabbing Harper's arm
"Get you cheating hands off me! Does 8 years of marriage and 4 kids mean nothing to you?" Harper shouts
"I didn't mean to cause anything!" Amelia says
"You! Get your ass out of here before I make you!" Harper says as she pounces at Amelia but Cruz and Capp hold her back
"You can't do that!" Amelia says walking away
"What happened guys?" Dawson asks
"Go ahead Kelly tell them" Harper says
"Me and Amelia kissed but she came at me!" Kelly says looking down
"But yet you didn't pull away? I thought you loved me Kelly?" Harper says before walking away
She goes and sits in matts quarters as she usually sits in Kelly's but she doesn't think that's a good idea. She sits in there for a while and thinks things over until she hears a knock at the door.
"Harper!" Boden says in a calming voice
"Oh hey chief!" Harper says smiling
"I heard what happened and I wanted to check you were okay" Boden says shutting the door
"Yeah I'm good" Harper says with tears welling up in her eyes
"Come here!" Boden says sitting next to her and giving her a hug
"I just don't know why he done it! Am I not good enough anymore? Am I too much of a mum for him?" Harper says whilst sobbing
"Shhh! Your perfect just they way you are Harper!" Boden says stoking her hair
"I get why he done it to me but why our kids? What did Aria and Devin do to deserve this? Or what did Hunter and Maria do? They need their dad!" Harper says
"You will get through this Harper! Look at everything you have been through and your still standing! Don't let this tiny thing break you! Your strong! And you need to stay strong for Aria, Devin, Hunter and Maria!" Boden says
"Thank you chief!" Harper says giving him a hug
Harper goes to pick up Aria
"Where's daddy? I thought he picked me up on Tuesdays?" Aria says confused
"He had to help uncle Herrmann with something again honey! He will pick you up soon! Now let's go get Devin!" Harper says taking Arias hand
They pick up Devin and then the twins and head home. Harper helps Aria with her homework and plays with Devin and the twins. She does some laundry and makes dinner. They all eat and she puts the kids to bed and sits on the couch. Then someone knocks on the door. Harper opens it and it's Dawson
"I came to see how you were?" Dawson asks
"I'm fine really! Go and spend time with Casey!" Harper says smiling
"He's off the ventilator and Kelly's with him" Dawson says sitting down next to Harper
"You look tired?" Dawson says
"It's been a long day! But I need to stay strong!" Harper says smiling weakly
"I'm proud of you for handling this so well!" Dawson says
"Thanks Gabby!" Harper says giving her a hug
*Authors Note!*
Wow! Things have heated up! I need your help! Do you think Harper and Kelly should try and fix this or should they just sign the divorce papers and save them both the hassle? I can't decide as I love Harper and Kelly together but on the other hand can Harper forgive him for what he done?

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