Chapter 35- Getting her back

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It's the night after Harper was bailed out by Voight and the kids are staying with Gabby and Casey. Harper is still trying to figure out a way to get herself out of this mess. She is curled up on the couch next to Kelly watching a movie.
"Ohh look your favourite part is coming up!" Kelly says pointing at the TV
But Harper doesn't respond
"Harper?" Kelly asks
"Oh yeah?" Harper says snapping out of it
"Are you okay?" Kelly asks with his voice softening
"Yeah! Just don't know why they would pin it on me that's all" Harper says looking at Kelly
"You just annoyed them! The truth will come out eventually" Kelly says before giving Harper a kiss
"I hope your right" Harper says looking back at the tv
A while later they go to bed and they head to work the next morning. When they walk in the notice that something is going on between Otis and Herrmann
"What's going on?" Harper asks
"You missed everything! Otis is questioning herrmanns firefighter skills and calling him old! Then Herrmann is saying that he is just fresh out of the academy and that he knows nothing!" Cruz says
"Great! Just what I needed today!" Harper says walking away
A while later they are out on a call and Otis is working with Herrmann. Well until Harper hears shouting
"Your doing it wrong!" Otis shouts
"I'll have you know you're the one who put it in wrong!" Herrmann shouts
"Give it a rest old man!" Otis says angrily
"Sorry what was that geek?" Herrmann says
"Problem boys?" Harper says as she walks over
"Not at all captain!" Herrmann says as he walks away
"Yep what he said!" Otis says walking after him
They arrive back at the firehouse and Harper jumps out of the truck
"Herrmann and Otis get your asses over here!" Harper says angrily
"What?" Otis says annoyed
"Okay what the hell was that! You may have something going on between you that I don't know about and I'm really great full that I don't know what it is!" Harper shouts
"Look captain" Otis says before Harper cuts him off
"No I'm talking! You don't ever bring something like that out onto calls you understand me? We're there to save the victim no matter how big or small! The victims life is still in danger! And I need my men on there best behaviour!" Harper shouts
"Okay sorry captain!" Herrmann says
"Yeah sorry!" Otis says
"Great! Now get out of my sight both of you!" Harper shouts as they walk away
It's later that night and the kids are staying at bodens. Harper and Kelly head to bed and fall asleep. Harper is woken up to a strange sound so she gets up or investigate. When she opens her bedroom door she can see her apartment up in flames
"Kelly!" Harper shouts

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