Chapter 46- Did Harper get hit?

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Harper ducks and manages to miss the bullet however she doesn't notice that it goes into her shoulder. She grabs Caroline and runs whilst the guys get Ella. Harper hides in her quarters with Caroline
"It's okay honey! Kelly is going to take the bad lady away!" Harper says calmly
"Okay" Caroline says
"See! Its great to hear your voice Caroline! Your so brave! Well done!" Harper says as Caroline gives her a hug
After a while Harper starts to get light headed but she chooses to ignore it. She takes Caroline back out to the common room to finish her dinner
"Still no sign of the parents" Kelly says as he walks in
"Are you sure?" Harper asks
"Positive" Kelly says noticing Harper's shoulder
"Harper! Your bleeding!" Kelly says rushing over
"Oh! The bullet must have hit me! I'm fine!" Harper says
"Let's get you checked out!" Kelly says as Dawson comes over
She checks Harper over
"The bullet didn't go in your shoulder! It just needs a dressing!" Dawson says getting them out of the bag
Dawson dresses Harper's shoulder and gives her something for the pain.
It's the end of shift and Caroline's parents still haven't came to get her
"The kids are at Bennys! Why don't we take her home?" Harper suggests
"Sounds great!" Kelly says smiling
"Okay honey! Your gonna come home with me and Kelly is that okay?" Harper says getting down to her level
Caroline nods and takes Harper's hand. They drive home and show her into arias room
"You can play with some toys in here honey!" Harper says as Caroline carefully picks up the toys
Kelly is sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee and Harper sits down next to him
"I really wanna find her parents!" Harper says taking Kelly's coffee
"Hey!" Kelly says
"Oh sorry! Was this yours?" Harper says as she takes a sip then laughs
"I'm sure her parents will turn up soon!" Kelly says
"She was playing and I noticed some bruises on her Arms... I don't know it could be nothing" Harper says shifting uncomfortably in her seat
"I'll let CPD know tomorrow! But let's hope it's nothing" Kelly says taking his coffee back
It's a couple of days later and Caroline is still with Harper and Kelly. They have taken her on shift when Antonio walks in
"I have news on Caroline" Antonio says
"What is it?" Harper says giving Caroline to Dawson
"Her mum and dad were arrested for abuse and neglect a few months ago, she was out into foster care but they weren't any better. So when she saw your truck she must have jumped in it to get away" Antonio says
"What!" Harper says shocked

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