THIRTY-NINE. nurse's office

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Hospitals were no fun. There was no one to talk to except the doctors and nurses, the food tasted weird for some reason and all you could do was lay in your bed or go to the bathroom. To say East was bored to death was an understatement. However, she at least had her phone and had been entertained by her friends and kept up to date with what was happening at Regionals.

East still couldn't believe that she couldn't go to Regionals. The team managed to get someone to fill her spot for the small group and that person was Kai. East knew he was the perfect choice, but she couldn't but feel as though she let the team down. She let herself down. And now, she was laying in her hospital bed with a fractured kneecap. It was going to take a while to heal, so she wouldn't even able to dance for some months, which really put her down.

However, today she was getting released after her mom finished signing some papers and talking to the doctors. And today was the final day of Regionals, so East hoped she'd get good news from The Next Step. She had watched online and saw that Amanda, Michelle and Amy won the trio round, Noah and Richelle won their duet round, and Henry, Skylar, Piper, Noah, Kai and LaTroy (who filled in Sloane's spot after she got disqualified in the freestyle solo round) won the small group round. East hoped everything would go well for the team in the finals.

Stepping into the room was East's mom, South North, and one of the doctors that performed East's surgery earlier that week. East put her phone down and turned her attention to them. As the two adults approached her, East noticed the distressed frown her mom wore. That look on her mom was never a good sign.

"So, uh, is everything good?" East hesitantly asked. "Can I go home today?"

"Well, your surgery went well and you'll need to be in a cast while your kneecap heals over the next months. However, you'll have to make some adjustments to your daily routine and I've spoken to your mom about it," the doctor explained before heaving a sigh. "I, unfortunately, have some bad news. There is a possibility you won't be able to dance once you're healed."

"What?" East weakly responded, her face dropping in disbelief. She could've sworn she felt her heart stop for a moment, because right there, it felt like her world was crashing. "But... I have to dance. Dance is what keeps me going."

"Honey," East's mom spoke softly as she grabbed her daughter's hand. "Hey, it's going to be okay."

Despite her mom's assurance, East's felt a few tears trickle down her face as she fell back into her pillow. The conversation her mom and the doctor were having before her became an instant blur as the thought of never dancing consumed her. This was a different type of pain East was experiencing and honestly, she didn't know what she'd do if she couldn't dance.

. . .

this is what happens when i don't want to write the regionals episodes and i try think of something else.... i put my oc in pain

but anyways season four is finished and season five is coming soon so stayed tuned !!

please don't be a ghost reader :(
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