~ Chapter Seven ~

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~ Chapter Seven ~

"Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon and each month it cries for a love it will never touch."

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I watched my hands shake, that uncontrollable trembling making my arms tense and shiver in anticipation. Tonight. Tonight. Tonight.

Tonight. I'll make you mine tonight.

My eyes glowed like golden suns. He couldn't catch me. He would never catch me.

I am the Golden Stag.

My wild golden hair danced around my face. It looked as if someone had kissed me passionately, like he had been running his fingers through my hair with frantic fervour, afraid that if he let go I would leave him. I grinned and laughed in excitement. I would.

My eyes rolled as I threw my head back and ran my hand up my neck and through my hair, revelling in the freedom. Soon they would let us out. Soon we would run wild. I danced around the room, pulling my tight dress from my skin so the air could caress me. My bare feet kissed the cool tiles as I twisted and turned in a crazed dance that was slowly sending me mad with longing. I hit the door with my fists and laughed hysterically.

"You'll never catch me. You'll never catch me." I whispered over and over again like a prayer. A shiver trailed my spine as a chorus of howls pierced the air. I twitched and flung myself to peer out the small window. The full moon, in all her radiant beauty shone and glinted. The wolves had been released. Soon, we would be too. The other stags would be in cages together, but not me. I was released alone so nobody could follow. I moaned and reached out the window, trying to desperately to touch the moon.

Set me free. Set me free. Set me free.

Tonight. I'll make you mine tonight.

Maicoh's cold face flashed through my mind. Those stony grey eyes, stern lips and sharp cheek bones. I convulsed and crumpled to the floor as my head reeled with the thought of him. The thought of him whispering to me. The thought of him touching me. The thought of him catching me. An alien noise, somewhere beetween a whimper of despair and a moan of longing escaped my lips. Yes. No. Yes. No. Again. Again. Again.

I clutched the window frame and pulled myself up, my frenzied gaze searching the darkness. I scratched my arms, the nervous reaction leaving red marks all over my skin. My short white dress was already crummpled. It was symbolic, a sign of purity, a sign that I hadn't been captured. If I was, I would be covered in blood. That would be the tell-tale sign I had been caught.

The blood.


I spun around as the sound of the lock turning sung in my ears. It was time. Set me free. Set me free. Set me free. I jumped frantically, impatient to be let out. My Stag knew the room, it knew the way to the forest. The second the door swung open I was out, gone. Nothing could stop me. Nothing.

The air mumured into my ears as I felt the grass beneath my feet, wet with rain. The air was thick and moist, the smell of the forest invigorating me, urging me to run deep into its embrace and never return. Tears streamed down my cheeks as the moon bathed my path in her pale, unearthly light. Beautiful.

As I slipped into the darkness a painfully mournful song of howls caused me to veer to the left. My feet thumped against the pine needles, steady like the beat of my heart. Everything flew past me like faint memories before fading away into the dark abyss. Still I ran deeper.

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