~ Chapter Nineteen ~

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~ Chapter Nineteen ~

"She was just a wish,

And her memory is all that is left for you now"

Gypsy, Fleetwood Mac

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"What did you do to her?" Alexander's words reverberated through the air, holding a menace that made me shrink away. He stared at me, his sunken eyes filled with a crazed rage that seemed to cut deep into me. I swallowed as he cocked his head, the movement emphasising his hollow cheeks.

"Nothing, I didn't do anything." I managed to choke. He snarled, his eyes flashing in warning. He shook his head, his tussled hair teeming with dried leaves and twigs. His eye twitched, the tips of his fangs just evident beneath his dry, cracked lips.

"Don't lie Alphress." he snapped. Faolan tensed at the mention of my rank. I felt him sigh.

"Alpha Alexander, this had nothing to do with Maeve." he replied firmly. Alexander's eyes didn't move from my prone figure.

"What did you say to her that day? What did you do?" he repeated. His muscles shook feverishly as he raked a dirt-encrusted hand through his hair. He was rancid, his body was smeared with dirt, oozing a sickening scent. He looked like he had been in the wilderness for days. My stomach churned as I noticed the scratches marring the side of his body. My eyes trailed down his quivering arms. I looked away the second I recognised the dried blood embedded beneath his claw-like nails.

"You shouldn't be here Alexander." Faolan murmured stonily. This time Alexander acknowledged him. I felt sick as a crazed smile broke across his face. A deep laughter rumbled in his chest.

"Neither should you Tala." he replied. Faolan stiffened as Alexander took a step towards us. He wrinkled his nose as his eyes met mine once more.

"I can see your love for Alpha Maicoh is fickle." he accused me quietly. The bond surged within me, wrapping around my heart. Before I could stop myself I had spoken the words and it was too late.

"Similar to Alessia's love for you." I replied coldly. Alexander roared, his eyes flooded with bloodlust as he surged towards us. Faolan shifted instantly, his lithe wolf rising to meet Alexander's onslaught. I fell back into the grass as their bodies clashed. They tumbled onto the road as Faolan expertly twisted, causing Alexander to bear the brunt of the impact. He didn't even cry out as his bones broke against the concrete, he didn't even look into Faolan's bright eyes, narrowed with loathing. Alexander rolled away, barely noting his indented ribs or the grazes sliding down his body. He laughed maniacally.

"You honestly think you can beat me mutt?" Faolan snarled and snapped his jaw, revealing his sharp canines as his tongue ran over them. Alexander stood, holding his arms out to expose his weaknesses. Faolan hesitated, narrowing his eyes as Alexander smiled at him, a strange glint tinting his eyes. I frowned. My eyes met with Faolan's; confusion evident in those swirling green iris'.

"Well dog?" he shouted roughly, the apparent humour dropping from his face completely. Faolan launched from his hind legs, flying towards Alexander, but Alexander wasn't watching him anymore.

He was looking at me.

"Faolan don't!" I screamed, but it was too late. Faolan viciously slashed at Alexander's chest, causing his body to arch instinctively. Alexander folded into himself, crumbling onto the road without so much as a sound. I stared at his deformed body as it writhed and convulsed of its own accord, but his eyes never left mine. Those deep churning pools were heavy and sick with pain and...sadness.

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