~ Chapter Thirty ~

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~ Chapter Thirty ~

Felix culpa. The sun
lights in my flesh the great
wound of the world. What's done
is done. In man's estate
let my flawed wholeness prove
the art and scope of love.

The Wound, Gwen Harwood

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The morning sun shone bright against my eyelids. I released a low moan as I stretched in the bed. A smile graced my lips as I felt a hand rest against my taut stomach. 

"Alphress." Maicoh's soft baritones rung out in the silence of the bedroom. I chuckled and opened my eyes.

"Alpha." Maicoh smiled at that. He pulled me closer, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I lifted a hand and brushed my fingers through his hair absentmindedly. 

"Beltane is today." I said to the air. Maicoh merely grunted. For a few moments, I lay listening to the steady rhythm of his breath. Things felt easier between us.  

Alpha's are supposed to be possessive of their mate, at least, in the beginning. It's supposed to wear off as the mark takes hold. 

I couldn't help the stab of guilt as I remembered last night. The simple bliss of laying in Maicoh's arms suddenly felt wrong. I carefully disentangled myself from his embrace and quietly slipped onto the balcony. Beneath me, the courtyard was already humming with activity. The men hung up the last of the decorations while the women stood with cups of tea in their hands, chattering among themselves and occasionally throwing a direction to their bewildered mates. 

"Further to the right!" One woman called to a man carefully balancing on a ladder with the end of a garland in his hand. 

"Any further and I'll fall off!" He retorted as he leaned dangerously to the side. 

"And wouldn't that be just terrible!" Another woman exclaimed in mock horror. At that, they all began to laugh while the man just shook his head and rolled his eyes. I leaned my elbows against the railing and smiled at their antics. The blood from last night's ritual was nowhere to be seen. Clearly my distraction had served its purpose. I looked down at my hands and frowned as I realised that I did not like lying to Maicoh. My heart ached as I felt the bond swell. I had kept so many things from him; Faolan, the rituals, my Stag. I dropped my head into my hands as I realised he would never forgive me if he found out why his mark never took hold. I absentmindedly brushed my fingers against his mark and winced at the dull pain that ran down my neck. I sighed. I would break things off with Faolan. I would tell Maicoh about the rituals. That was enough. It had to be enough. 

I let out a sharp gasp as I felt warm arms encircle my waist. I instinctively leaned back into his embrace as Maicoh bent his head to whisper into my ear.

"What are you thinking?" I looked up at him. His lips were carefully upturned but his sterling eyes were bright, flickering over every feature as if waiting for my composure to break. I rose a hand to cup his cheek and smiled softly. 

"Just that I am ready to jump through the fires with you." He kissed my forehead.

"Even after everything we've been through?" He asked dubiously. I looked across the courtyard once more.

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